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Assisted Support

Paid Assisted Professional Support

You can access paid assisted Technical Support through Professional Online Support or by telephone. Support fees are billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.

Note   If your Microsoft product was preinstalled or distributed with your personal computer or dedicated system (Windows CE-based device), or provided by an Internet service provider (ISP), and your Product ID (PID) contains the letters OEM after the first five digits, you can use the many online, no charge, self-help, or paid assisted support offerings provided by Microsoft. No charge, assisted support for OEM licenses is not provided by Microsoft. Contact the personal computer manufacturer, device/system manufacturer, or ISP directly for more information regarding their no charge and paid product support offerings. Check the documentation for your personal computer, or check this list of manufacturers’ phone numbers at: http://support.microsoft.com/support/webresponse/pid/oem.asp Retail versions of Microsoft software are those stand-alone packaged products purchased at retail stores or through mail-order resellers. Microsoft products preinstalled or distributed with your personal computer or dedicated system (Windows CE-based device), provided by an ISP or purchased through a volume licensing program such as Select, Open, or License Packs, receive all Microsoft support privileges, excluding no charge, assisted support.