The ContactSearchResultListAutomationPeertype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CheckAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Protected method CreateItemAutomationPeer (Inherited from ListBoxAutomationPeer.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAcceleratorKey (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetAcceleratorKeyCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetAccessKey (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetAccessKeyCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetAutomationControlType (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetAutomationControlTypeCore (Inherited from SelectorAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetAutomationId (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetAutomationIdCore
GetAutomationIdCore override. Return a control-specific string to identify the type of the control
(Overrides FrameworkElementAutomationPeer . . :: . . GetAutomationIdCore () () () () .)
Public method GetBoundingRectangle (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetBoundingRectangleCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetChildren (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetChildrenCore
Override GetChildrenCore
(Overrides ItemsControlAutomationPeer . . :: . . GetChildrenCore () () () () .)
Public method GetClassName (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetClassNameCore
GetClassNameCore override. Return a control-specific string to identify the type of the control.
(Overrides ListBoxAutomationPeer . . :: . . GetClassNameCore () () () () .)
Public method GetClickablePoint (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetClickablePointCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHelpText (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetHelpTextCore (Inherited from FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetHostRawElementProviderCore (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method GetItemStatus (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetItemStatusCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetItemType (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetItemTypeCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetLabeledBy (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetLabeledByCore (Inherited from FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetLocalizedControlType (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetLocalizedControlTypeCore (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method GetName (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetNameCore
GetNameCore override. Return an instance-specific string to identify the control. Each control will override this to provide an implementation relevant to that control's available information, and by default it will not be instance-specific.
(Overrides FrameworkElementAutomationPeer . . :: . . GetNameCore () () () () .)
Public method GetOrientation (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method GetOrientationCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetParent (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method GetPattern (Inherited from SelectorAutomationPeer.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasKeyboardFocus (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method HasKeyboardFocusCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method InvalidatePeer (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method IsContentElement (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsContentElementCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method IsControlElement (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsControlElementCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method IsEnabled (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsEnabledCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method IsKeyboardFocusable (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsKeyboardFocusableCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method IsOffscreen (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsOffscreenCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method IsPassword (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsPasswordCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method IsRequiredForForm (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method IsRequiredForFormCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method PeerFromProvider (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method ProviderFromPeer (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method RaiseAsyncContentLoadedEvent (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method RaiseAutomationEvent (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method RaisePropertyChangedEvent (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method ResetChildrenCache (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Public method SetFocus (Inherited from AutomationPeer.)
Protected method SetFocusCore (Inherited from UIElementAutomationPeer.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method VerifyAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also