The SystemsColorsWrappertype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SystemsColorsWrapper


  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public property ActiveBorderColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the active window's border.
Public property ActiveCaptionColor
Gets a Color structure that is the background color of the active window's title bar.
Public property ActiveCaptionTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text in the active window's title bar.
Public property AppWorkspaceColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the application workspace.
Public property ControlColor
Gets a Color structure that is the face color of a three-dimensional display element.
Public property ControlDarkColor
Gets a Color structure that is the shadow color of a three-dimensional display element.
Public property ControlDarkDarkColor
Gets a Color structure that is the dark shadow color of a three-dimensional display element.
Public property ControlLightColor
Gets a Color structure that is the light color of a three-dimensional display element.
Public property ControlLightLightColor
Gets a Color structure that is the highlight color of a three-dimensional display element.
Public property ControlTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of text in a three-dimensional display element.
Public property DesktopColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the desktop.
Public property GrayTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of disabled text.
Public property HighlightColor
Gets a Color structure that is the background color of selected items.
Public property HighlightTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text of selected items.
Public property InactiveBorderColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of an inactive window's border.
Public property InactiveCaptionColor
Gets a Color structure that is the background color of an inactive window's title bar.
Public property InactiveCaptionTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text of an inactive window's title bar.
Public property InfoColor
Gets a Color structure that is the background color for the ToolTip control.
Public property InfoTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the text color for the ToolTip control.
Public property MenuColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of a menu's background.
Public property MenuTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of a menu's text.
Public property ScrollBarColor
Gets a Color structure that is the background color of a scroll bar.
Public property WindowColor
Gets a Color structure that is the background color in the client area of a window.
Public property WindowFrameColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of a window frame.
Public property WindowTextColor
Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text in the client area of a window.

See Also