The topics in this section walk you through the essential code used to enable your application for the following tasks:
Start an Instant Messaging conversation.
Add modalities to a new conversation.
Respond to a conversation invitation.
Add a participant to a conversation.
Start an audio or video conversation.
Park and re-activate an audio conversation.
Transfer or forward an audio conversation.
Handle calls delegated to the local client.
The example code found in the following walkthrough topics can be found in the sample applications installed with this SDK. Where a code example is presented, we provide you with the location of the source sample and code line number within the source.
Walkthrough Examples
Walkthrough: Respond to a Conversation Invitation
Walkthrough: Start an IM Conversation
Walkthrough: Start an Audio Conversation
Walkthrough: Park and Re-activate an Audio Conversation
Walkthrough: Hold and Retrieve an Audio Conversation
Walkthrough: Transfer an Audio Conversation
Walkthrough: Forward an Audio Conversation