The VideoWindowtype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AutoShow
Determines whether the window will be automatically shown.
Public property BackgroundPalette
Determines whether any palette required will be realized in the background.
Public property BorderColor
Determines the border color for the video window.
Public property Caption
Determines the textual title string for the video window.
Public property FullScreenMode
Determines the full-screen mode for the video renderer filter supporting this interface.
Public property Height
Determines the height of a video window.
Public property Left
Determines the x-axis coordinate for the video window.
Public property MessageDrain
Determines the window set to receive messages from the video window.
Public property Owner
Determines the owning parent for the video window.
Public property Top
Determines the y-axis coordinates for the video window.
Public property Visible
Determines the visibility of the video window.
Public property Width
Determines the Width of the video window.
Public property WindowState
Determines the state of the video window.
Public property WindowStyle
Determines the style parameters for the video window.
Public property WindowStyleEx
Determines the style parameters for the video window.

See Also