The ContactListGroupItemtype exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ContactListGroupItem |
Constructs an instance of a
ContactListGroupItem class.
Name | Description | |
_callButton |
The call button part (Inherited from
UCTreeViewItem.) |
GroupRenameCommandProperty |
Identifies the
GroupRenameCommanddependency property.
GroupViewBySettingProperty |
Identifies the
GroupViewBySettingdependency property.
IsRenameModeProperty |
Identifies the
IsRenameModedependency property.
ModelProperty |
Identifies the
Modeldependency property.
ShowContactCountProperty |
Identifies the
ShowContactCountdependency property.
Name | Description | |
ActualHeight | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ActualWidth | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
AllowDrop | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
AlternationCount | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
Background | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BindingGroup | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
BitmapEffect | Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
BitmapEffectInput | Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
BorderBrush | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BorderThickness | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CallButtonVisibility |
Gets or sets an enumerated value which
indicates whether or not the call button on this contact item's
template is visible. This property is updated based on
MouseLeaveevents. (Inherited from
UCTreeViewItem.) |
Clip | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ClipToBounds | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
CommandBindings | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ContextMenu | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ContextualInformation |
Gets or sets data structure which provides
contextual information for use with the contextual conversation
feature. (Inherited from
UCTreeViewItem.) |
Cursor | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
DataContext | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
DefaultStyleKey | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
DependencyObjectType | (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
DesiredSize | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Dispatcher | (Inherited from DispatcherObject.) | |
DisplayMemberPath | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
Effect | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
FlowDirection | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Focusable | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
FocusVisualStyle | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
FontFamily | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontStretch | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontStyle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontWeight | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ForceCursor | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Foreground | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GroupRenameCommand |
A command which, when executed, will rename a
custom group on the contact list.
GroupStyle | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
GroupStyleSelector | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
GroupViewBySetting |
Gets or sets an enumerated value which
identifies the method by which contacts should be grouped.
HandlesScrolling | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HasAnimatedProperties | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
HasHeader | (Inherited from HeaderedItemsControl.) | |
HasItems | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
Header | (Inherited from HeaderedItemsControl.) | |
HeaderStringFormat | (Inherited from HeaderedItemsControl.) | |
HeaderTemplate | (Inherited from HeaderedItemsControl.) | |
HeaderTemplateSelector | (Inherited from HeaderedItemsControl.) | |
Height | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
HorizontalAlignment | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
HorizontalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InheritanceBehavior | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
InputBindings | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
InputScope | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
IsArrangeValid | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsContainerSelected |
Reserved for internal use. (Inherited
UCTreeViewItem.) |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsEnabledCore | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsExpanded | (Inherited from TreeViewItem.) | |
IsFocused | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsGrouping | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
IsHitTestVisible | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsInitialized | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
IsInputMethodEnabled | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsKeyboardFocused | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsKeyboardFocusWithin | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsLoaded | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
IsMeasureValid | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsMouseCaptured | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsMouseCaptureWithin | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsMouseDirectlyOver | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsMouseOver | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsRenameMode |
Gets a boolean value which indicates whether
or not this control is currently in
IsSealed | (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
IsSelected | (Inherited from TreeViewItem.) | |
IsSelectionActive | (Inherited from TreeViewItem.) | |
IsStylusCaptured | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsStylusCaptureWithin | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsStylusDirectlyOver | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsStylusOver | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsTabStop | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsTextSearchEnabled | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
IsVisible | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ItemBindingGroup | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemContainerGenerator | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemContainerStyle | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemContainerStyleSelector | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
Items | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemsPanel | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemsSource | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemStringFormat | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemTemplate | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
ItemTemplateSelector | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
Language | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
LayoutTransform | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
LogicalChildren | (Inherited from HeaderedItemsControl.) | |
Margin | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MaxHeight | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MaxWidth | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MinHeight | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MinWidth | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Model |
Reserved for internal use.
Name | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Opacity | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
OpacityMask | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
OverridesDefaultStyle | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Padding | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Parent | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
PersistId | Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RenderSize | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RenderTransform | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RenderTransformOrigin | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Resources | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ShowContactCount |
Gets or sets a boolean value which indicates
whether or not the count of contacts contained in each group is
SnapsToDevicePixels | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Source |
Specifies a contact or distribution group to
which this control should be bound. (Inherited from
UCTreeViewItem.) |
Style | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
StylusPlugIns | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Tag | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Template | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TemplatedParent | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ToolTip | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Triggers | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Uid | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
VerticalAlignment | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
VerticalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Visibility | (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
VisualBitmapEffect | Obsolete. (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualBitmapEffectInput | Obsolete. (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualBitmapScalingMode | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualChildrenCount | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
VisualClip | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualEdgeMode | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualEffect | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualOffset | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualOpacity | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualOpacityMask | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualParent | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualTransform | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualXSnappingGuidelines | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
VisualYSnappingGuidelines | (Inherited from Visual.) | |
Width | (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
IAddChild . . :: . . AddChild | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) | |
IAddChild . . :: . . AddText | (Inherited from ItemsControl.) |