Overload List

  Name Description
Public method BeginScheduleMeeting(Contact, String, AsyncCallback, Object)
Launches a new Outlook Meeting window pre-populated with the email address of the specified contact and meeting subject string passed in the first two arguments of this method.
Public method BeginScheduleMeeting(DistributionGroup, String, AsyncCallback, Object)
Launches a new Outlook Meeting window pre-populated with the specified distribution group and meeting subject string passed in the first two arguments of this method.
Public method BeginScheduleMeeting(IEnumerable < (Of < <' ( Contact > ) > > ) , IEnumerable < (Of < <' ( DistributionGroup > ) > > ) , String, AsyncCallback, Object)
Launches a new Outlook Meeting window pre-populated with the email addresses in the specified contact list and meeting subject string passed in the first two arguments of this method.

See Also