Managing Recipient Settings

Managing Address Lists Overview

The Microsoft Exchange Server Address List Manager allows you to create and manage address lists for your organization. With the address lists you create and manage, your Exchange 2000 users can access information regarding recipient and resource objects without having to look through the entire Global Address List.

For help with specific tasks, see How To.

For general background information, see Concepts.

Answers to frequently asked questions

My users have specific needs regarding access to offline address lists. What options does Exchange 2000 offer me?

You can configure multiple offline address lists for remote users so that they can obtain information about other users in the organization. When connecting to a Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server remotely, users can download offline address lists containing one or more address lists that you specify. Users can also choose to download only the changes that have occurred to the offline address list since the last download. More...

How do I create an address list based on characteristics of Active Directory objects?

You can define address list membership by selecting recipient categories or specific characteristics of objects in Active Directory. The selections you make define the search filters that Exchange 2000 uses to search Active Directory. You can define are the recipients that make up the membership of the address lists you create.  More...

How do I prevent a recipient from accessing a particular address list?

By default, all default address lists and custom address lists are available to your Exchange 2000 users. You can change these default settings if you want to limit access to a particular address list.  More...

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