Coexisting with Previous Versions

Managing Active Directory Connector

Microsoft Active Directory Connector (ADC) replicates directory information between the Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5 directory and the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Active Directory.

For help with specific tasks, see How To.

For general background information, see Concepts.

For problem-solving instructions, see Troubleshooting.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How do I create a Connection Agreement that replicates directory information between the Exchange 5.x directory and Active Directory?

Set up and configure a user Connection Agreement. There are ten steps to create this type of Connection Agreement, and there are many options for each of those steps. More...

What is the difference between user Connection Agreements and Configuration Connection Agreements?

User Connection Agreements are used to synchronize Active Directory objects between Exchange 2000 Active Directory and the Exchange 5.5 directory. Configuration Connection Agreements are automatically created to synchronize configuration information between Exchange 2000 servers and Exchange 5.5 sites. More...

When does ADC use the most resources, and how can I prepare for it?

When ADC is running, it can utilize the majority of the processing power of the server. This consumption level is constant until all replication is complete; however, the load placed on the bridgehead servers is low compared to the server running ADC.  More...

I want to change the objects that are replicated to Active Directory by default, and I also want to customize the rules used to match directory objects. Can I do this?

When replicating directory information using a Connection Agreement, you can use a policy to set the attributes that will be replicated. You can also customize object matching rules. More...

How do I monitor ADC?

You can monitor ADC by reviewing the logging events from the Windows 2000 Event Viewer. You should monitor the activities of each Connection Agreement to ensure that proper directory replication is accomplished. Monitoring should be a part of regularly scheduled maintenance. Regular maintenance helps you keep directory replication performing optimally, and can help you keep failures and errors to a minimum. More...