Hosting Chat Communities


Adds, changes, or deletes a channel data property. The Prop command provides a new method for manipulating the string and numeric properties of channels.

Note   The user must be in IRCX mode to use this command.


Prop Channel PropertyList
    Queries a property.
Prop Channel Property :[Data]
    Sets a property or deletes a property (when data is absent).
Prop Channel *
    Lists all non-empty properties.


Channel The name of the channel.
PropertyList   A list of channel properties, separated by commas (,).
Data A string to which a property is set.

Channel Properties

Channel properties are listed in the following table:

ACCOUNT Contains an implementation-dependent string for attaching a security account. This controls access to the channel using the native OS security system. The ACCOUNT property is limited to 31 ANSI or unicode characters.
CLIENT Contains client-specified information. The server does not define the format. The CLIENT property is limited to 255 ANSI or unicode characters.
CLIENTGUID Contains a globally unique identifier (GUID) that defines the client protocol to be used on the channel.
CREATION The time that the channel was created, in number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, Universal Coordinate Time.
HOSTKEY The host keyword that will provide host (channel op) access when entering the channel. The HOSTKEY property is limited to 31 ANSI or unicode characters.
LAG Contains a numeric value between 0 to 2 seconds. The server will add an artificial delay of that length between subsequent messages from the same member. All messages to the channel are affected.
LANGUAGE The preferred language. The LANGUAGE property is a string limited to 31 lowercase characters. Use the language codes specified in International Standards Organization (ISO) 639 (for example, en for English, fr for French, and so on). These are the same codes used by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
MEMBERKEY The keyword required to enter the channel. The MEMBERKEY property is limited to 31 ANSI or unicode characters. The property is backward-compatible with RFC1459 because users can still use the Mode command as an alternative way to set this property.
NAME The name of the channel (limited to 63 characters, including 1 or 2 characters for the channel prefix). Valid characters are as defined in RFC1459.
OID The internal object identifier (OID) for the channel. As a shortcut, you can use the OID in place of the full string name of a channel. If the OID is set to "0," then this feature is not supported on the server.
ONJOIN Contains a string to be sent (using the Privmsg command) to a user after the user has joined the channel. The channel name is displayed as the sender of the message. Only the user joining the channel sees this message. Multiple lines can be generated by embedding "\n" in the string. The ONJOIN property is limited to 255 ANSI or Unicode characters.
ONPART Contains a string that is sent (using the Notice command) to a user after they have left the channel. The channel name is displayed as the sender of the message. Only the user leaving the channel sees this message. Multiple lines can be generated by embedding "\n" in the string. The ONPART property is limited to 255 ANSI or unicode characters.
OWNERKEY The owner keyword that provides owner access when entering the channel. The OWNERKEY property is limited to 31 ANSI or unicode characters.
PICS The current Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) rating of the channel. Chat clients that are PICS-enabled can use this property to determine if the channel is appropriate for the user. The PICS property is limited to 255 ANSI or unicode characters. The format for this field is defined by PICS (see
SERVICEPATH   Contains the path of a server-side extension that is used to control the channel operation. Details are implementation-dependent.
SUBJECT A string that can contain subject keywords. The SUBJECT property is limited to 31 ANSI or unicode characters.
TOPIC The current topic of the channel. The TOPIC property is limited to 160 ANSI or unicode characters.

Note   IRCX supports the use of unicode characters encoded in Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8). Because unicode provides an extended character set, users running an IRCX-compatible client can participate in chat sessions in any language.


prop #mychannel topic,onjoin
     Queries the TOPIC and ONJOIN properties on the channel #MyChannel.
prop #mychannel *
     Queries all properties on the channel #MyChannel.
prop hischannel topic :cheese  
     Sets the TOPIC on the MICONLY channel HisChannel to "Cheese."
prop #bigchannel tag :
     Deletes the TAG property on channel #BigChannel.