Hosting Chat Communities

Set Up the Meeting Channel

After you decide on the chat community where the private meeting will take place, set up a channel.

To set up the meeting channel:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Channels folder in the chat community where you want to hold the meeting.

    Chat Communities

    1. Chat_community_name
    2. Channels
  3. Right-click Channels, click New, and then click Channel.
  4. On the channel's General tab, type the name of the channel in the Name box. Be sure to precede the channel name with a valid channel prefix (#, &, %#, or %&).
  5. On the channel's Access tab, select Secret in Visibility to users. This prevents users who are not designated members from discovering the channel through any query, including enumeration queries (using commands such as List or Listx).
  6. In User, type a password. Anyone who wants to attend the meeting must use the User password to join the channel.
  7. In Owner, type a different password. This unique password enables the person leading the meeting to join the channel as the owner and invite the participants.
  8. Set Number of users allowed in channel to the number of participants expected to attend the meeting.
  9. Under Allow only, select the Invited users check box. This permits only invited users to join the channel.

    Note   Another way to restrict access to the channel is go to the channel's Modes tab and select the Accept only from channel members check box. This blocks messages sent to the channel by users who are not designated members.