Supporting Messaging Clients

Extensions to WebDAV

Exchange supports standard WebDAV operations outlined in RFC 2518. In addition to these standards, Exchange extends the functionality of WebDAV to allow clients to manage e-mail resources. The following sections describe the features that Exchange adds to WebDAV.


The client uses the SEARCH method to initiate a server-side search. The body of the request defines the query. The server returns text or XML code matching the PROPFIND response.

Exchange implements searching in the following ways:


Users are notified of changes in the contents of public or private folders. They are also notified of new e-mail and of changes in individual messages.

Exchange implements Notification in the following ways:

Calendar Access

Much of calendaring through WebDAV is handled by existing WebDAV functionality. This includes creating a new calendar item by using a PUT command on a calendar folder, and reading an item in a calendar folder using a GET command on the folder.

Exchange implements calendar access in the following ways:

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