Supporting Messaging Clients

Get the Server Status

You can find the status of a server at a glance. If the POP3 virtual server is running, the server's folder displays an open mailbox in the console tree. If the POP3 virtual server is not running, a red circle with an "x" is displayed in front of the mailbox on the server's folder.

To get the status of a server:

  1. Start System Manager
    on the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to POP3.

    System Manager

    1. Administrative Groups
    2. Administrative group
    3. Servers
    4. Server
    5. Protocols
    6. POP3
  3. In the console tree, the status of the server is graphically displayed in front of the open mailbox graphic before the name of the virtual server. If the server is running, you will see an open mailbox graphic. If the server is not running, you will see a graphic indicating that: