Supporting Messaging Clients

Global Settings

The global settings feature allows you to configure system-wide settings in a variety of ways. For example, a majority of your users may have similar message conversion needs, or you may want them to subscribe to the same delivery restrictions. You can define default formatting configurations and message size limits that can be applied across every mailbox and virtual server in your organization.

You can override global settings for special messaging situations by configuring the individual Microsoft Exchange 2000 objects with different default settings. These global settings will be applied only when no configurations have been made at the virtual server level or individual mailbox level.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

When should I use global settings?

These system-wide configurations should be used when a majority of your users have similar needs. Otherwise, message formatting can be set on the individual virtual servers and mailboxes in your organization, and message size or recipient limitations can be set on a per-user basis. 

What do global delivery restrictions have to do with limits set on an SMTP virtual server?

A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) virtual server will not accept a message from a client or another server if the message exceeds its message size limit. When a message is accepted, the SMTP virtual server will try to deliver it to all recipient mailboxes. Only then do these global restrictions apply. The message will be accepted by all recipient mailboxes with limits it does not exceed (mailbox limits can be set globally or on a per-user basis).   More...

What is the Filtering tab for?

The Filtering tab is where the message filter list is created. This list is used by all SMTP virtual servers in your organization to block particular users or groups from sending mail to some or all IP addresses on your intranet. Once the message filter list is created, it must be enabled on a per-IP address basis on every SMTP virtual server.  More....

Why would I want to add an Internet message format?

Internet formats are used when messages are sent to or are received from an Internet recipient. When MAPI clients in your organization send messages, they are converted from Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) to Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). Each type of content in the message, such as video or audio, is identified by a MIME type. The video or audio is sent as an attachment with MIME types that are mapped to an appropriate extension. These extensions allow Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and other mail programs to recognize the attachment and display it correctly. Although Exchange contains many MIME types, if there is media or content that you send or receive through e-mail, adding it to the list of MIME types will help recipients open and display the attachment correctly.  More...

What happens when I add a new domain node to Internet Message Formats?

A domain node allows you to create a set of guidelines for SMTP to use when sending messages to a specific remote domain. For example, if you have MAPI clients that send messages to a business partner on a regular basis, you may want to create a policy for SMTP to use when sending messages to your partner's domain. The policy allows you to specify the format your business partner must use to view your messages. Adding a domain node does not mean that you are creating a new domain in your organization; you are just creating a new set of SMTP guidelines to use with a remote domain. More...

My clients use uuencode instead of MIME. How can I determine which is used?

For each domain node that you create you can specify the message format that SMTP should use when sending e-mail. You can choose to use uuencode instead of MIME. More...