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Supporting Messaging Clients

Create a Newsfeed from Master to Slaves

Slave newsfeeds, or slave feeds for short, send messages from a master server with an article ID included. Messages are sent to slave servers, which in turn post the messages for users to read. To create a slave newsfeed, you use New NNTP Wizard to specify the server to which clients connect so that users can post and read articles. You do not define a server directly as a master or slave; you only need to indicate which server posts articles for users to read.

To create a newsfeed from the master server to a slave server:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to an NNTP virtual server.


    1. Server
    2. Protocols
    3. NNTP
    4. NNTP virtual server
  3. In the console tree, right-click Feeds, point to New, and then click Feed.
  4. To identify a slave server, complete New NNTP Feed Wizard.

    Tip   Remember that you are using the wizard to specify the remote server that will be a slave. When you select the Remote server role, choose Slave.

  5. Repeat these steps for each server for which you want to manage article IDs.