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Supporting Messaging Clients

Start, Stop, and Pause NNTP Service

When you start NNTP Service, NNTP servers can accept new connections from users. Restarting NNTP Service automatically restarts all NNTP virtual servers that were running when you stopped the service.

When you stop the service, the NNTP servers disconnect current users and do not accept new connections. If your Information Store is large, it is recommended that you stop the service manually when you shut down the server instead of using Windows 2000 to stop it. You also need to shut down the service when you make registry and path header changes, and when you create new NNTP virtual servers.

When you pause the service, all NNTP virtual servers refuse new connections but continue to support existing connections.

Important   Pausing or stopping NNTP Service affects all NNTP virtual servers. When you stop NNTP Service, all NNTP virtual servers are also stopped. While the service is stopped, you can edit an NNTP virtual server's settings. If you restart a server, the service automatically restarts also.

To start, stop, or pause NNTP Service:

  1. Start Services
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.
  2. Right-click Network News Protocol (NNTP) Service, and then click Start, Stop, or Pause.

Tip   To shutdown the service without immediately disconnecting all NNTP users, pause the virtual server to prevent new connections. You can then block current users from posting articles and view the currently connected users before you stop NNTP Service.

Related Topics

Start, Stop, and Pause NNTP Virtual Servers