Supporting Messaging Clients and Browsers

Verify NNTP Service Availability with Telnet

You can use the Telnet program to verify that NNTP Service is accepting connections and responding correctly to NNTP commands. This enables you to determine whether the client or the service is causing the problem. To follow these procedures, you must use a Windows NT version 4.0 or Windows 95 or later version of Telnet.

Before using Telnet, you should verify network connectivity using Ping.

To connect to Microsoft NNTP Service using Telnet:

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
  2. At the command prompt, type telnet.
  3. On the Terminal menu, click Preferences, and then select the Local Echo check box.
  4. On the Connect menu, click Remote System.
  5. In Host Name, type the DNS name or IP address of the server running NNTP Service. In the Port box, type the IP port number used by NNTP Service. The default is port 119.
  6. You will receive one of the following responses.
  7. Is the service is accepting connections? Response What it means
    200 NNTP Service 
    Microsoft Internet Services 5.5 Version: 
    5.5.1717.0 Posting Allowed
    If you can connect and run the List command successfully using Telnet, the problem is probably with the client.
    No Connect Failed The service is either not running or not accepting connections. If you cannot connect, the problem is probably with the service. Verify the port number and other NNTP Service configuration settings.
    No 502 Connection Refused The service has paused or has reached its connection limit.
    Authenticated connections only 480 Logon Required The service is not allowing anonymous access.
  8. To end your Telnet session, type quit, and then press ENTER.