 Change View 
Configuring Information Stores

Set System Resource Usage Level

Indexing is a resource-intensive feature that requires considerable CPU cycles. Indexing gigabytes of data can take hours or days. Indexing should be scheduled for times when the server is not under high usage.

You can control server performance during indexing by using the System resource usage tab. On this tab you can set server usage levels, regardless of the quantity of data to be indexed or the existing server load.

To set a system resource usage level:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Open the Servers container in the console tree.

    System Manager

    1. Administrative Group or Organization
    2. Servers
  3. Right-click the server for which you want to set the resource usage level, click Properties, and then click the Full-Text Indexing tab.
  4. Click one of the four resource usage levels: Minimum, Low, High, or Maximum.