Connecting to Other Messaging Systems

Mapping Functions

Mapping rules use a simple macro language that allows you to define how to create entries in different directory systems. An important part of this macro language is the set of mapping functions that both manipulates arguments you supply, and then returns a result in the form of a string. Your mapping rules can combine this result with other constant strings and function calls to build up the overall result of the rule.

Mapping functions operate on strings and numeric constants. Strings can be either attribute tags (the short names defined in the schema definition file) from the source directory, or string literals. A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks, such as "Connector for Novell GroupWise", ".", or even " " (three spaces). You cannot use internal attribute names in mapping rules. You must use the attribute tags defined in the schema definition files.

A function has the following format:


For example:


If this function is coded in a mapping rule, it returns the leftmost four characters of the contents of the Fullname field in the source directory.

Functions can be combined with each other or with string literals, allowing you to create complex result strings. A rule and the resulting string it returns can be as long as 2,048 characters.

This section contains the following topic:

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