Select ILS Settings for
Mail-Enabled Users or Contacts
ILS gives Internet service providers and Web site managers the
ability to increase communication between users visiting a Web
site. ILS stores information about each user, including their IP
address. This enables your online users to find each other.
To select an ILS server and account name for a mail-enabled user
or contact:
On the Start menu, point to
Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then
click Active Directory Users and Computers.
In Active Directory Users and Computers, on the
View menu, click Advanced Features.
In the console tree, expand the Windows 2000 domain.
Double-click Users, or double-click the node that contains
the recipient information you want to modify.
In the details pane, double-click the mail-enabled user or
contact you want to modify.
On the Exchange Advanced tab, click ILS
In the Exchange Internet Locator Service dialog box, in
ILS Server, type the name of the server to which the
mail-enabled user or contact is connected.
In ILS Account, type the mail-enabled user or contact's
account name.