Migrating   to Exchange

Selecting Which Accounts to Migrate

When you run Migration Wizard, you use the Account Migration screen to select the accounts you want to migrate. If those users do not currently exist as contacts or users in Active Directory, Migration Wizard creates new Windows 2000 users. If the users that you are migrating already exist as contacts in Active Directory, the wizard matches the user that you are migrating with the contact and converts the contact to a Windows user.

For an overview of how Migration Wizard calculates matches for different types of migration, refer to the following illustration.

Enlarge figure

When Migrating from Exchange 2000

If you migrate from Exchange 2000, Migration Wizard uses the following information to determine matches:

You can use the Windows Account Creation and Association screen to view the matches that Migration Wizard finds.

Note   When migrating from Exchange 2000, you can change probable matches, but not definite matches.

You can change probable matches by creating a new user object instead of using the suggested match, which appears in the Existing Windows Account column. Use Create New Account to undo a match and create a new user object.

You can edit the Full Name and Logon ID for a new Windows account. Double-click the account to open Mail Account Properties, and then edit the account information.

When Migrating from Exchange 5.5

If you migrate from Exchange 5.5, Migration Wizard uses the following information to determine matches:

You can use the Windows Account Creation and Association screen to view the matches that Migration Wizard finds.

Note   When migrating from Exchange 5.5, you can change probable matches, but not definite matches.

You can change probable matches by creating a new user object instead of using the suggested match, which appears in the Existing Windows Account column. Use Create New Account to undo a match and create a new user object.

You can edit the Full Name and Logon ID for a new Windows account. Double-click the account to open Mail Account Properties, and then edit the account information.

When Migrating from a Non-Exchange E-Mail System

If you migrate from a non-Exchange mail system, Migration Wizard uses the following information to determine matches:

You can use the Windows Account Creation and Association screen to view the matches the wizard finds.

When you migrate from a non-Exchange system, you can undo definite matches. To undo definite matches, return to the list of selected users in the Account Migration screen and deselect the user. Then, before you restart the migration, edit the user's e-mail address in the messaging system from which you are migrating or the e-mail address of the Active Directory user object so that the addresses no longer match.

You have two options for modifying probable matches, which appear in the Existing Windows Account column:

You can edit the Full Name and Logon ID for a new Windows account. Double-click the account to open Mail Account Properties, and then edit the account information.