 Change View 
Managing Public Folders

Create a New Public Folder Store

Each public folder hierarchy uses its own store in the information store. Once you create a store for a public folder tree, you can connect the folder to it.

To create a public folder store:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to Servers.

    Exchange System Manager

    1. Organization
    2. Administrative Groups
    3. Administrative group
    4. Servers
  3. Expand the server to which you want to add a public folder store.
  4. Right-click a specific storage group, point to New, and then click Public Store.
  5. In Name, type a name for the new database.
  6. To associate the public folder tree with the database, click Browse, and then select the public folder hierarchy you just created.
  7. To save your settings, click OK.
  8. To mount the new store, click Yes.