Configuring Security

Import Users

To secure the export and import process, KMS does not allow you to import users until they have been exported from another Key Management server. To import users, you will need the export file you created when exporting users from the Key Management server.

Important   As a precautionary measure, before importing users, you should back up your KMS database.

To import KMS users:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. In the console tree, click Advanced Security.
  3. In the details pane, right-click Key Manager, point to All Tasks, and then click Import Users.
  4. In the Key Management Service Login dialog box, type your password, and then click OK. The default password is password.

    Note   You will have to re-type your password each time you try to perform a task or click a tab in the Key Manager Properties dialog box.

  5. In Exchange KMS Key Import Wizard, on the Import File screen, type the name of the export file you created on the exporting Key Management server. Click Next.

    Important   KMS will only be able to access the export file if it was moved to the destination server, specifically the directory that contains the KMS database.

  6. On the Ready To Import screen, click Next again to begin the process. If the importing Key Management server cannot match one or more incoming users with a corresponding Exchange mailbox globally unique identifier (GUID), KMS will display the Unknown Users screen. You must resolve unknown users on this screen before KMS will proceed with importing the users.

    Note   If there are no unresolved names, the Unknown Users screen will not appear and importing will commence.

Related Topics

Resolve Unknown Users