Configuring Security

Administrator Passwords

By default, only one administrative password is required to perform any task in KMS. However, administrators can set varying levels of security on the Passwords tab by requiring up to four different administrator passwords.

Each task on the Passwords tab can be executed with approval of two or more KMS administrators. The Key Management Service Login dialog box always displays the total number of administrators required to execute a task and the total number of administrators that have entered their passwords. This dialog box will prompt you for at least one password whenever you make a menu selection or click a properties tab.

The most important management tasks are adding and removing KMS administrators and configuring the number of passwords required to execute each KMS functions. Therefore, the first option on the Passwords tab, Add/delete administrators, edit multiple password policies, should require more passwords than any other function.

The following are management tasks for which you can require the approval of more than one administrator:

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Change the Administrator Password Set Multiple Passwords