Managing Exchange Servers

Set X.400 Connection Retry Values

Connection retry values determine how often and how long the system tries to connect or transfer messages before sending an NDR. The X.400 service MTA properties enable you to set the default X.400 service attributes, such as connection retry values, for X.400 connectors.

Note   Changes to the Override values for one connector do not affect message transfer over any other connector. If you do not specify override values, the X.400 service uses the default stack values when connecting to a remote X.400 system.

To set X.400 connection retry values:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to the X.400 container in the console tree.

    System Manager

    1. Administrative Group or Organization
    2. Servers
    3. Server
    4. Protocols
    5. X.400
  3. Right-click X.400, click Properties, and then click the Messaging Defaults tab.
  4. Under Connection retry values, in Maximum open retries, type a value for the maximum number of times that the system tries to open a connection before it sends an NDR. The default is 144 seconds.
  5. In Maximum transfer retries, type a value for the maximum number of times that the system tries to transfer a message across an open connection. The default is 2 seconds.
  6. In Open interval (sec), type a value for the number of seconds the system waits after an error before attempting to reopen a connection. The default is 600 seconds.
  7. In Transfer interval (sec), type a value for the number of seconds the system waits after a message transfer fails before resending a message across an open connection. The default is 120 seconds.

Tip   To restore Exchange default values, click Reset Default Value.