
Backup and Restore

Backing up Information Store is an important part of maintaining a stable and reliable messaging system. Use Backup, which Windows 2000 provides, to back up Information Store and Active Directory. Proper backups allow you to restore servers if a disaster occurs. These backup and restore features help you recover from various types of data loss with minimal downtime for your e-mail system.

Important   Review the most up-to-date Disaster Recovery for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Web article available at before performing disaster recovery procedures.

You may experience specific problems when backing up and restoring Information Store; for example, if performing your daily backups is taking too much time, you may need to consider adjusting your backup plan.

To identify and resolve specific problems that can occur with backup and restore procedures, see Common Issues.

To learn more about backup and restore procedures, see Backing Up and Restoring Exchange.

For more information on preparing to back up and restore Information Store, see Microsoft Exchange 2000 Planning and Installation.

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