
Common Issues

Use the information in this section to identify and solve problems with migration by scrutinizing the migration files. For more information on specific problems you may encounter running Migration Wizard with respect to your specific messaging system, search the Microsoft Support Knowledge Base, or use Exchange troubleshooters.

What problem are you having?

Migration Wizard stops when importing migration files.

If errors occur during the import of migration files, Migration Wizard logs errors to the application log in Windows Event Viewer, and import may stop. If import continues, the error is written to a recovery file. (A recovery file is created each time files are imported; the file is written to the Temp directory of the computer running Migration Wizard.)
If an error occurs, first check the application log and the recovery file. One error in the file format can cause multiple or cascading error messages. If the error cannot be found in the line with the error report, an error in a previous line could be causing the problem, or there could be an improper offset to the secondary file.

If it is a primary file error, you can edit this file and fix the problem. If it is a secondary file error, you get a pointer to the problem, which you can attempt to fix. If you must edit the secondary file, make a backup first. Be careful not to change the offsets of later sections. After all problems are fixed, you can create a new packing list file that lists the primary and edited (not original) secondary files.

How Migration Wizard Processes Files

If you understand how Migration Wizard processes files, it will help you troubleshoot problems. Migration Wizard first reads the packing list file and then starts processing the first primary file. The following table describes how each primary file is processed.

Section Processing
DIRECTORY Every line after the directory header line, until the start of the next section, is passed to the Migration Wizard, one line at a time.
PAB Each line of PAB data is read. After all lines are read, a message is created with the PAB attached to the message and some text.
MAILMESSAGE If the mailbox does not exist, it is created, if possible by conversion of a contact. If a message is for a public folder, it is created with appropriate permissions. For each line, a message is created. The secondary file is checked for body and attachments. If the body is empty and there is a document, the attachment to mailbox is copied as a free document. If the body is empty and there is a schedule file, Migration Wizard supplies the body and the attachment is added.

This section contains the following topics: