Topic Last Modified: 2006-02-13
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool includes a performance data collection engine that is used to query performance counter objects on computers that are running Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003. The performance data collection engine collects data from the Remote Retry Queue Length performance counter of the SMTP Server performance object to analyze performance data.
The SMTP Server\Remote Retry Queue Length counter indicates the number of messages in the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) remote retry queue that cannot be sent to a destination server. If the Exchange Server Analyzer determines that the Remote Retry Queue Length counter has exceeded the peak value of 1000 during the sample time slice, the Exchange Server Analyzer displays an error.
This failure to send mail can be explained by outages or performance issues with the network or remote servers. Those outages or performance issues prevent the network or remote servers from receiving the mail efficiently.
To resolve this error, use the resources in the following links to identify the problematic server or network component and address the performance issues.
For More Information
- For more information about troubleshooting Exchange Server
performance issues, see Identifying Rising Mail Queues in the
"Identifying Symptoms of Poor Performance" section of
Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2003 Performance (
- For more information about Exchange Server performance, see the
Performance and Scalability Guide for Exchange Server 2003
- For more information about Exchange Server Performance, see
Exchange Server 2003 Performance: 10 Things to Think About