Topic Last Modified: 2006-10-06

The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool reads the following registry value to determine whether McAfee VirusScan for Microsoft Exchange is installed on the server that is running Exchange Server:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\VirusScan Enterprise\CurrentVersion

The Exchange Server Analyzer also queries the following registry branch to determine how the VirusScan product is configured to block ports:

HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\On Access Scanner\BehaviourBlocking

The keys in this branch are used to configure which processes and ports are blocked or allowed with the On Access feature of the VirusScan product.

Finally, the Exchange Server Analyzer also queries the Win32_Service Microsoft Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) class for the value of the Started key for the McAfee VirusScan service to determine whether it is running on the Exchange server.

A value of False indicates that the McAfee VirusScan service is not running on this Exchange server. A value of True indicates that the McAfee VirusScan service is running.

The Exchange Server Analyzer displays a warning if the following conditions are true:

This warning indicates that the McAfee VirusScan application is configured so that it could block legitimate Exchange Server communication through port 25. Mail flow problems might occur.

To address this issue:

For More Information

  • For more information about how to configure McAfee VirusScan for Microsoft Exchange, visit the McAfee Service Portal (

    The third-party Web site information is provided to help you find the technical information that you need. The URLs are subject to change without notice.
  • For more information about the different types of virus-scanning programs that are typically used with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 823166, "Overview of Exchange Server 2003 and antivirus software" (

  • For more information about the different types of virus-scanning programs that are typically used with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, see the Knowledge Base article 328841, "Exchange and antivirus software" (

  • For information about fortifying an Exchange environment against e-mail transmitted viruses and worms, see the Microsoft white paper, "Slowing and Stopping E-Mail Transmitted Viruses in an Exchange Environment" (