Topic Last Modified: 2005-11-18
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool has determined that the disk system that holds the Exchange Server log files is over tasked and causing a performance bottleneck. This determination is made by checking one or more of the following performance counters:
- The average Database\Log Record Stalls/sec are more than
- The maximum Database\Log Record Stalls/sec is more than
- The average Database\Log Threads Waiting are more than
- The maximum Database\Log Threads Waiting is more than
If any one of these thresholds is met, an error is displayed stating that your log drive is a disk bottle neck. Log files require a low-write latency. Any backup or stalling in writing to a log file can cause server performance issues. Log stalls may be caused by a low log buffer setting, msExchESEParamLogBuffers, or by too many users connecting to the server.
To reduce log disk latency-
You can raise the ESE buffers parameter, msExchESEParamLogBuffers, to 9,000. Do not use a value larger than 9,000, as that can corrupt transaction log files. For more information, see Default ESE log buffers have been changed.
If a database or transaction log drive is bottlenecked, you can reduce the load on that drive by moving users to a database or storage group that is hosted on a drive that is not near maximum capacity. If all the databases or transaction log drives are nearing capacity, you may have to move users to another server. For more information, see Move User Mailboxes to Another Server.