Topic Last Modified: 2006-10-06
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool queries the CIM_Datafile Microsoft Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) class to determine the value of the Version key for several core Exchange binary files:
- Exres.dll
- Gapi32.dll (checked in the System32 folder and the
\Exchsrvr\bin folder)
- Mapi32.dll (checked in the System32 folder and the
\Exchsrvr\bin folder)
- Mapisp32.dll
- Mapistub.dll
- Cdo.dll
- DavEx.dll
- DSAccess.dll
- DrvIis.dll
- EmsMta.exe
- Epoxy.dll
- Ese.dll
- Eseutil.exe
- ExCdo.dll
- ExchMem.dll
- ExMime.dll
- ExOleDb.dll
- ExPop3.dll
- ExSmtp.dll
- Mad.exe
- Mbdsz.dll
- OabGen.dll
- PhatCat.dll
- Phatq.dll
- Reapi.dll
- ReSvc.dll
- Store.exe
If the Exchange Server Analyzer finds the Version value for any of these files is less than the Exchange Server Version value, a warning is displayed. An earlier version number indicates potential use of out-of-date files.
To correct this error, install the latest service pack or update rollup for your version of Exchange. If this error persists, run Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003 Setup and select Re-install. If you run setup in Re-install mode, you install only binary files. Re-install mode does not remove or reset any user data or configuration data. If you reinstall Exchange Server, you must also reinstall any Exchange service packs or updates that were installed.
To reinstall Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003-
Log on to the server on which you want to reinstall Exchange. Insert the Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003 CD into the CD drive.
Click Start, click Run, and then type <drive>:\setup\i386\setup, where <drive> is the CD drive.
On the Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Installation Wizard page, click Next.
On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree to the terms, click I agree, and then click Next.
On the Product Identification page, type your 25-digit product key, and then click Next.
On the Component Selection page, in the Action column, use the drop-down arrow next to the Microsoft Exchange node, select Re-install, and then click Next.
For more information about the latest Exchange Server 2003 service packs, update rollups, and add-ins, see "Downloads for Exchange Server 2003" (
For more information about the latest Exchange 2000 Server service packs, update rollups, and add-ins, see "Downloads for Exchange 2000 Server" (