Topic Last Modified: 2005-11-18
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool has determined that you are running third-party software on your Exchange server. This third-party software may be the cause of your server's performance problem. Third-party software may include, but is not limited to, the following software:
- File-level antivirus products
- Exchange-aware e-mail antivirus products
- Anti-spam products
- Fax server software
- Foreign mail or collaboration connector
- File and print services
- Mobile device connectors
If you suspect that the third-party software is degrading Exchange Server performance, uninstall or disable the third-party software and measure Exchange Server performance.
If you determine that the third-party software is causing a decrease in performance, and the third-party software is important to the server's functionality, consider dedicating another server to distribute the load across two servers.
For More Information
- For more information about Exchange Server performance, see the
Exchange Server 2003 Performance and Scalability Guide
- For more information about troubleshooting Exchange Server
performance issues, see Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange
Server 2003 Performance (