Topic Last Modified: 2007-11-28

The Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer Tool displayed this warning because there is a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connector in the current Exchange environment that is using a domain wildcard notation that is not supported by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

The Exchange Analyzer has detected an SMTP connector using a domain wildcard notation in the format of *

For SMTP address space types, Exchange Server 2007 requires that the address space you enter be RFC 1035-compliant. For example, *, *.com, and * are permitted, but * is not permitted.

An SMTP address with a wildcard notation in the format of * would match all of the following, which may have unintended results:

Valid entries for the SMTP address space of a Send connector

Address space entry Send connector routes mail to:


All domains that do not have an explicit address space entry on another Send connector entry or that are not an included subdomain of an address space on another Send connector.

All recipients with e-mail addresses in the domain.


All recipients with e-mail addresses in the domain or any subdomain of In the Exchange Management Console, select Include all subdomains to set this configuration.

To address this warning, modify the SMTP connector address space to a supported domain wildcard notation, and then rerun Exchange 2007 setup.

To modify the address space on the SMTP connector with Exchange Server 2003
  1. In Exchange System Manager, expand Connectors by performing one of the following steps:

    • If you do not have routing groups or administrative groups displayed, expand your Exchange organization, and then expand Connectors.

    • If you have only routing groups displayed, expand Routing Groups, expand <Routing Group Name>, and then expand Connectors.

    • If you have only administrative groups displayed, expand Administrative Groups, expand <Administrative Group Name>, and then expand Connectors.

    • If you have administrative groups and routing groups displayed, expand Administrative Groups, expand <Administrative Group Name>, expand Routing Groups, expand <Routing Group Name>, and then expand Connectors.

  2. Right-click <your SMTP connector>, and then click Properties.

  3. Click the Address tab.

  4. Modify the address space so that the domain wildcard notation conforms to the valid address space entries from the table above.