Topic Last Modified: 2005-11-18
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool has determined that your page file is in a location that can affect server performance negatively. The page file should not be located on the same disk as Exchange databases or the Exchange log files. It is also a good idea to isolate the page file from the system files.
It is recommended that your page file be located on a dedicated partition or high-speed disk.
To correct this warning-
Move the page file to a location that does not contain Exchange database or log files and, if possible, to a location that does not contain the system partition.
For More Information
- For more information about configuring the page file, see
Microsoft Knowledge Base article 197379, "Configuring page files
for optimization and recovery in Windows Server 2003, in Windows
2000, and in Windows NT" (
- For more information about Exchange Server performance, see the
Exchange Server 2003 Performance and Scalability Guide
- For more information about troubleshooting Exchange Server
performance issues, see Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange
Server 2003 Performance (