Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3
Topic Last Modified: 2012-05-14
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 generates Outlook Web App events in Event Viewer so that you can troubleshoot and verify the OWA features and services. Event Viewer tracks the following kinds of events in the given order, based on importance:
- Error events
- Warning events
- Informational events
MSExchange OWA Errors and Events
The following table provides a list of OWA errors and events.
Event ID | Category | Event type | Logging | Value or description | Class |
MSExchange OWA 39 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy Outlook Web App traffic to Client Access server "%2". This failed because "%2" didn't respond. Outlook Web App will try to proxy this traffic to Client Access server "%3" in the same Active Directory site.Additional information: %4. |
MSExchange OWA 7 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. You can't define a base experience when you choose to inherit from another forms registry. The base experience of the other forms registry is always used.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 50 |
ADNotifications |
Error |
LogAlways |
Settings change notifications couldn't be registered in Active Directory for virtual directory "%1" under web site "%2". Exception message:"%3". |
MSExchange OWA 70 |
Transcoding |
Error |
LogAlways |
The ACL of the temporary folder couldn't be set because the WebReady Document Viewing Manager doesn't have the permissions to set it. The value of the temporary folder is set by a registry key. If the registry key doesn't exist, the default Microsoft Windows temporary folder will be used. The registry key that controls the temporary folder is named HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA\WebReadyDocumentViewing\TempFolderLocation. For WebReady Document Viewing to function correctly, the Local System account must have full control permissions assigned to the temporary folder that you have configured.Exception message: "%1". |
MSExchange OWA 16 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
There's an error in your Outlook Web App configurationThe configuration for virtual directory "%1" couldn't be found. This can be fixed using the Get-, Set-, or New-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlets. Make sure the VirtualDirectory property of the corresponding OwaVirtualDirectory object matches the name of this virtual directory. |
MSExchange OWA 5 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. Expected element = %4.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 3 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Forms registry %1 specifies %2 as the base experience, but %2 is not defined in the forms registry.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 24 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.It couldn't parse file "%1" in theme folder "%2". The theme ID attribute "%3" wasn't found. Line %4, Position %5. |
MSExchange OWA 37 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
The sign-in to Outlook Web App failed. The Active Directory profile for "%1" doesn't have a primary SMTP address.This may have happened because the user's account wasn't created using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange command-line tools. The following Exchange Management Shell steps provide one way of correcting the most common cause of the problem. Get-User "%2" | Disable-Mailbox. Get-User "%3" | Enable-Mailbox At the prompt, enter the mailbox database name (normally "Mailbox Store"). |
MSExchange OWA 46 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1", running Exchange version "%2", is proxying Outlook Web App traffic to Client Access server "%3", which runs Exchange version "%4". To ensure reliable interoperability, the proxying Client Access server needs to be running a newer version of Exchange than the Client Access server it is proxying to. If the proxying Client Access server is running a newer version of Exchange than the Client Access server it is proxying to, the proxying Client Access server needs to have an Outlook Web App resource folder (for example, "<Exchange Server installation path>)\ClientAccess\owa\8.0.498.0" that contains all the same versioned resource files as the Client Access server it is proxying to. If you will be running Outlook Web App proxying with mismatched server versions, you can manually copy this resource folder to the proxying Client Access server. After you copy this resource folder to the proxying Client Access server, you need to restart IIS before proxying will work. |
MSExchange OWA 42 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy Outlook Web App traffic to Client Access server "%2". This failed because one of these configuration problems was encountered:1. "%2" has been set to use "http://" (not using SSL) instead of "https://" (using SSL). You can modify this by setting the InternalUrl parameter of the Outlook Web App virtual directory this proxy traffic is going to. You can set that parameter using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell.2. The destination virtual directory returned an HTTP 403 error code. This usually means it's not configured to accept SSL access. You can change this configuration by using IIS Manager on the Client Access server "%2".If you don't want this proxy connection to use SSL, you need to set the registry key "AllowProxyingWithoutSSL" on this Client Access server and to set the InternalUrl and SSL settings for the Outlook Web App virtual directory this proxy traffic is going to accordingly. |
MSExchange OWA 47 |
Transcoding |
Warning |
LogAlways |
A folder couldn't be created to cache the current Outlook Web App process. Other processes may be using the same directory. To fix this problem, stop the processes that are using the same directory, and then restart Outlook Web App. Exception message: "%1". |
MSExchange OWA 10 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. The value "%4" specified for the MinimumVersion element isn't a valid number.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 38 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy or redirect Outlook Web App traffic for mailbox "%2". This failed because one of the service discovery entries returned for the Client Access server to use for this mailbox is malformed. The service discovery URLs should be in the format "http[s]://hostname[:port]/owa". The malformed entry is stored as "%3". |
MSExchange OWA 40 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy Outlook Web App traffic to Client Access server "%2". This failed because "%2" didn't respond.Additional information: %3. |
MSExchange OWA 71 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Microsoft Exchange Client Access server %1 tried to proxy Outlook traffic to Client Access server %2. This failed because the authentication for the connection between the two Client Access servers failed. This may be due to one of these configuration problems: 1. The host name in %2 may not be registered as a Service Principal Name (SPN) with Kerberos on the target Client Access server. This usually happens because you used the IP address, instead of the host name, of the target Client Access server in the "internalURL" configuration for the Outlook Web App virtual directory on the target Client Access server. You can change the "internalURL" configuration for the target Client Access server using the "Set-OwaVirtualDirectory" task. If you don't want to change the "internalURL" configuration for the Outlook Web App virtual directory on the target Client Access server, you can also use the tool "setspn.exe" on the target Client Access server to register additional SPNs for which that Client Access server will accept Kerberos authentication. 2.The server hosting %2 may be configured not to allow Kerberos authentication. It might be set to use Integrated Windows authentication for the Outlook Web App virtual directory, but be configured to only use NTLM (not Kerberos) authentication for Integrated Windows authentication. If you suspect this may be the cause of the failure, see the IIS documentation for additional troubleshooting steps. |
MSExchange OWA 28 |
SmallIcons |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.The small icon configuration file named %1 doesn't exist.The small icon configuration file is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot the small icon configuration file. |
MSExchange OWA 57 |
Proxy |
Warning |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App isn't available for this mailbox. The Client Access server %1, running Exchange version %2, tried to find a Client Access server to proxy Outlook Web App traffic for mailbox %3. It couldn't find the Client Access server in the target Active Directory site.Additional information: %4. If the problem continues, contact your helpdesk. |
MSExchange OWA 21 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.File "%1" in theme folder "%2" couldn't be parsed. The attribute "%3" is empty. Line %4, Position %5. |
MSExchange OWA 22 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.It couldn't parse file "%1" in theme folder "%2". The attribute "%3" exceeds the maximum length of %4 characters. Line %5, Position %6. |
MSExchange OWA 4 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.More than one forms registry is named %1. Each registry name must be unique. Rename one of the forms registries.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 19 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.File "%1" in theme folder "%2" wasn't parsed. The xml element "%3" is missing. |
MSExchange OWA 1 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.The forms registry folder %1 doesn't exist.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 44 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy Outlook Web App traffic to Client Access server "%2". This failed for user "%3" because this user is a member of too many groups. Outlook Web App limits group membership when proxying to "%4". |
MSExchange OWA 2 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Forms registry %1 inherits forms registry %2, but forms registry %2 couldn't be found.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 31 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Address Book custom properties couldn't be parsed. RootElementNotFound in "%1" at line number = "%2". Make sure that this file contains "CustomProperties" as the root element. If this error isn't addressed, users won't be able to view the custom properties. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot this issue. |
MSExchange OWA 26 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.A base theme couldn't be found. The base theme must be in a folder with name = "%1". |
MSExchange OWA 54 |
ADNotifications |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Active Directory system configuration session couldn't be retrieved.Exception message:"%1". |
MSExchange OWA 43 |
Proxy |
Warning |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy Outlook Web App traffic to Client Access server "%2". This failed because the Outlook Web App registry key "AllowInternalUntrustedCerts" is set to "0", but no certificate trusted by "%1" was available for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption of the proxy connection. |
MSExchange OWA 30 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
There's an error in your Outlook Web App configuration.The authentication type on the /owa virtual directory is set to Anonymous. This check box must be cleared for Outlook Web App to function correctly. |
MSExchange OWA 45 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
Client Access server "%1" tried to proxy Outlook Web App traffic to "%2". This failed because "%2" couldn't verify that the Active Directory account "%3" used to authenticate has the necessary access rights to send Outlook Web App proxy traffic.Additional information: %4. |
MSExchange OWA 9 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. Message = %4.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 15 |
Configuration |
LogAlways |
There's an error in your Outlook Web App configurationThe character '%5' isn't valid for file extensions. It was found in character %4 of "%3" in element %2 of the %1 array in the Outlook Web App attachment policy for the %6 virtual directory. This can be corrected using the Exchange Management Console. |
MSExchange OWA 53 |
ADNotifications |
Error |
LogAlways |
The message classification settings couldn't be read from Active Directory for virtual directory "%1" under web site "%2".Exception message:"%3". |
MSExchange OWA 36 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Address Book custom properties couldn't be parsed. An invalid value was provided for the attribute "%1" and in the file "%2" at line number "%3". The values of these attributes can't be null or empty. |
MSExchange OWA 41 |
Proxy |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Client Access server "%1" attempted to proxy Outlook Web App traffic for mailbox "%2". This failed because no Client Access server with an Outlook Web App virtual directory configured for Kerberos authentication could be found in the Active Directory site of the mailbox. The simplest way to configure an Outlook Web App virtual directory for Kerberos authentication is to set it to use Integrated Windows authentication by using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell, or by using the Exchange Management Console. If you already have a Client Access server deployed in the target Active Directory site with an Outlook Web App virtual directory configured for Kerberos authentication, the proxying Client Access server may not be finding that target Client Access server because it does not have an internalUrl parameter configured. You can configure the internalUrl parameter for the Outlook Web App virtual directory on the Client Access server in the target Active Directory site by using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet. |
MSExchange OWA 11 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. The value "%4" specified for the ApplicationElement element isn't one of the expected values.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 59 |
Configuration |
Warning |
LogAlways |
A corrupted calendar configuration was detected (user = %1), The configuration is being reset. |
MSExchange OWA 29 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
There's an error in your configuration.The authentication type specified in the %1web.config file is incorrect. The correct authentication type is "Windows". |
MSExchange OWA 48 |
Transcoding |
Error |
LogAlways |
WebReady Document Viewing isn't registered. To fix this problem, reinstall Outlook Web App. |
MSExchange OWA 34 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Address Book custom properties couldn't be parsed. Invalid element found in "%1" at line number ="%2" position = "%3". The custom properties couldn't be parsed because an invalid element was encountered. The only element that can have attributes in the custom properties file is "customProperty". If this error isn't addressed, users won't be able to view the custom properties. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot this issue. |
MSExchange OWA 49 |
Transcoding |
Warning |
LogAlways |
WebReady Document Viewing can't be found. To fix this problem, reinstall Outlook Web App. |
MSExchange OWA 33 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Address Book custom properties couldn't be parsed. "%1" attribute wasn't found in "%2" at line number = "%3". Having the "%1" as the "%4" attribute in the custom properties file is a requirement for Outlook Web App to parse it and display the values to users. If this error isn't addressed, users won't be able to view the custom properties. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot this issue. |
MSExchange OWA 6 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. Expected attribute = %4.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 20 |
Themes |
Warning |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.File "%1" in theme folder "%2" wasn't parsed. More than one instance of the attribute "%3" was found. Line %4, Position %5. |
MSExchange OWA 55 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3 The value "%4" specified for the IsRichClient attribute isn't a valid Boolean value. Change this property in the registry to contain True or False.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about how to troubleshoot the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 35 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
The Address Book custom properties couldn't be parsed. Invalid file "%1" Line number = %2 Position = %3 Message = "%4". A valid custom property file format is required for Outlook Web App to parse it and display the values to users. If this error isn't addressed, users won't be able to view the custom properties. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting this issue. |
MSExchange OWA 65 |
ADNotifications |
Error |
LogAlways |
An error occurred while the Outlook Web App configuration settings were being loaded. Virtual directory: "%1". Web site: "%2".Error message:"%3" |
MSExchange OWA 8 |
FormsRegistry |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Invalid forms registry file %1 Line number = %2 Position = %3. You must either define a base experience or a forms registry to inherit from.The forms registry is a critical component of Outlook Web App. If this error isn't addressed, users might not be able to access Outlook Web App. The Help and Support Center provides information about troubleshooting the forms registry. |
MSExchange OWA 18 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.Themes folder "%1" doesn't exist. |
MSExchange OWA 52 |
ADNotifications |
Error |
LogAlways |
The configuration settings couldn't be read from Active Directory for virtual directory "%1" under Web site "%2".Exception message:"%3". |
MSExchange OWA 61 |
Configuration |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App has encountered an error. This can happen if the mailbox was created using Active Directory Users and Computers instead of the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell, or if the version number of the user's mailbox object doesn't match the mailbox version that's configured on the Exchange 2003 server or on the computer running the Mailbox server role. To correct this error, run cmdlet Set-Mailbox -Identity <Mailbox Identity> -ApplyMandatoryProperties. |
MSExchange OWA 60 |
SmallIcons |
Warning |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App encountered an error during initialization.The values (%1) defined for the Alt attribute in the small icon configuration file aren't valid. |
MSExchange OWA 25 |
Themes |
Error |
LogAlways |
Outlook Web App couldn't initialize.It couldn't parse file "%1" in theme folder "%2". There was an error parsing the XML file. Line %3, Position %4. |