Applies to: Exchange Server 2013

Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-03

Management role scopes determine what objects are made available to a user so that the objects can be changed using the cmdlets and parameters assigned to them. You can view scopes to determine what scopes have been added to your organization, the configuration of a specific scope, or what scopes are orphans.

For more information about management role scopes in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, see Understanding Management Role Scopes.

Looking for other management tasks related to role scopes? Check out Advanced Permissions.

What do you need to know before you begin?

  • Estimated time to complete each procedure: 5 minutes

  • You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Management scopes" entry in the Role Management Permissions topic.

  • You must use the Shell to perform these procedures.

  • This topic makes use of pipelining and the Format-List cmdlet. For more information about these concepts, see the following topics:

  • For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic, see Keyboard Shortcuts in the Exchange Admin Center.

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What do you want to do?

View a specific scope

You can view the details of a scope by piping the output of the Get-ManagementScope cmdlet to the Format-List cmdlet.

To view the details of a specific scope, use the following syntax.

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Get-ManagementScope <scope name> | Format-List

This example retrieves the details of the Seattle Servers scope.

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Get-ManagementScope "Seattle Servers" | Format-List

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Get-ManagementScope.

List all scopes

This example retrieves a list of scopes in your organization.

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This cmdlet retrieves both exclusive and regular scopes. If you only want to return exclusive scopes or regular scopes, see "List all exclusive or regular scopes only" later in this topic.

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Get-ManagementScope.

List all orphaned scopes

Orphaned scopes are scopes that haven't been associated with any management role assignments.

This examples retrieves a list of orphaned scopes.

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Get-ManagementScope -Orphan

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Get-ManagementScope.

List all exclusive or regular scopes only

By default, the Get-ManagementScope cmdlet returns a list of scopes that contains both exclusive and regular scopes. If you want to return only exclusive scopes or only regular scopes use the following syntax.

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Get-ManagementScope -Exclusive < $true | $false >

This example returns only exclusive scopes.

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Get-ManagementScope -Exclusive $true

This example returns a list of regular scopes only.

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Get-ManagementScope -Exclusive $false

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Get-ManagementScope.