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Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Online

Topic Last Modified: 2013-01-11

Use the Get-MaillboxJunkEmailConfiguration cmdlet to view the junk email rule configuration for specific mailboxes.


Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration -Identity <MailboxIdParameter> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>] [-ResultSize <Unlimited>]



This example displays the junk email rule configuration for the user named David Pelton.

Copy Code
Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration "David Pelton"


This example displays the junk email rule configuration for all mailboxes in your organization that have the junk email rule enabled.

Copy Code
Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration -Identity * | Where {$_.Enabled -eq $true}

Detailed Description

The junk email rule helps Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Web App users to automatically remove any spam that gets past anti-spam filters and reaches their mailboxes.

You need to be assigned permissions before you can run this cmdlet. Although all parameters for this cmdlet are listed in this topic, you may not have access to some parameters if they're not included in the permissions assigned to you. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mailbox junk email configuration" entry in the Mail Flow Permissions topic.


Parameter Required Type Description




The Identity parameter specifies the mailbox.

This parameter accepts the following values:

  • Alias

    Example: JPhillips

  • Canonical DN

    Example: Atlanta.Corp.Contoso.Com/Users/JPhillips

  • Display Name

    Example: Jeff Phillips

  • Distinguished Name (DN)

    Example: CN=JPhillips,CN=Users,DC=Atlanta,DC=Corp,DC=contoso,DC=com

  • Domain\Account

    Example: Atlanta\JPhillips

  • GUID

    Example: fb456636-fe7d-4d58-9d15-5af57d0354c2

  • Immutable ID

    Example: fb456636-fe7d-4d58-9d15-5af57d0354c2@contoso.com

  • Legacy Exchange DN

    Example: /o=Contoso/ou=AdministrativeGroup/cn=Recipients/cn=JPhillips

  • SMTP Address

    Example: Jeff.Phillips@contoso.com

  • User Principal Name

    Example: JPhillips@contoso.com

You can use the wildcard character (*) to view the junk email rule configuration for multiple mailboxes.




The Credential parameter specifies the user name and password to use to access Active Directory.

This parameter requires the creation and passing of a credential object. This credential object is created by using the Get-Credential cmdlet. For more information, see Get-Credential.




The DomainController parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that retrieves data from Active Directory.




The ReadFromDomainController switch specifies that information should be read from a domain controller in the user's domain. If you run the command Set-AdServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true to include all objects in the forest and you don't use the ReadFromDomainController switch, it's possible that information will be read from a global catalog that has outdated information. When you use the ReadFromDomainController switch, multiple reads might be necessary to get the information. You don't have to specify a value with this switch.

By default, the recipient scope is set to the domain that hosts your Exchange servers.




The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return. If you want to return all requests that match the query, use unlimited for the value of this parameter. The default value is 1000.

Input Types

To see the input types that this cmdlet accepts, see Cmdlet Input and Output Types. If the Input Type field for a cmdlet is blank, the cmdlet doesn’t accept input data.

Return Types

To see the return types, which are also known as output types, that this cmdlet accepts, see Cmdlet Input and Output Types. If the Output Type field is blank, the cmdlet doesn’t return data.