Applies to: Exchange Server 2013
Topic Last Modified: 2013-01-04
Use the Set-MailboxServer cmdlet to modify attributes on a computer running Microsoft Exchange with the Mailbox server role installed.
For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Syntax.
Set-MailboxServer -Identity
<MailboxServerIdParameter> [-AutoDatabaseMountDial
<Lossless | GoodAvailability | BestAvailability>]
[-CalendarRepairIntervalEndWindow <Int32>]
[-CalendarRepairLogDirectorySizeLimit <Unlimited>]
[-CalendarRepairLogEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-CalendarRepairLogFileAgeLimit <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-CalendarRepairLogPath <LocalLongFullPath>]
[-CalendarRepairLogSubjectLoggingEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-CalendarRepairMissingItemFixDisabled <$true | $false>]
[-CalendarRepairMode <ValidateOnly | RepairAndValidate>]
[-CalendarRepairWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-CalendarRepairWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow <$true | $false>]
[-DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy <Unrestricted | IntrasiteOnly
| Blocked>] [-DirectoryProcessorWorkCycle
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-DirectoryProcessorWorkCycleCheckpoint
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-FaultZone <String>] [-FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled
<$true | $false>] [-ForceGroupMetricsGeneration <$true |
$false>] [-InferenceDataCollectionWorkCycle
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-InferenceTrainingWorkCycle
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-InferenceTrainingWorkCycleCheckpoint
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-IsExcludedFromProvisioning <$true |
$false>] [-JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true |
$false>] [-Locale <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders <Unlimited>]
[-LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders <Unlimited>]
[-LogPathForManagedFolders <LocalLongFullPath>]
[-ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule <ScheduleInterval[]>]
[-ManagedFolderWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-ManagedFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-MAPIEncryptionRequired <$true | $false>]
[-MaximumActiveDatabases <Int32>]
[-MaxTransportSyncDispatchers <Int32>] [-MigrationLogFilePath
<LocalLongFullPath>] [-MigrationLogLoggingLevel <None |
Error | Warning | Information | Verbose | Instrumentation>]
[-MigrationLogMaxAge <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-MigrationLogMaxDirectorySize <ByteQuantifiedSize>]
[-MigrationLogMaxFileSize <ByteQuantifiedSize>]
[-OABGeneratorWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-OABGeneratorWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-PeopleRelevanceWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-PeopleRelevanceWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-PublicFolderWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-PublicFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-SharingPolicySchedule <ScheduleInterval[]>]
[-SharingPolicyWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-SharingPolicyWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-SharingSyncWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-SharingSyncWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-SiteMailboxWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-SiteMailboxWorkCycleCheckpoint <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-SubmissionServerOverrideList <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-TopNWorkCycle <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-TopNWorkCycleCheckpoint
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-TransportSyncDispatchEnabled <$true
| $false>] [-TransportSyncLogEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-TransportSyncLogFilePath <LocalLongFullPath>]
[-TransportSyncLogLoggingLevel <None | Error | Information |
Verbose | RawData | Debugging>] [-TransportSyncLogMaxAge
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-TransportSyncLogMaxDirectorySize
<ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-TransportSyncLogMaxFileSize
<ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogEnabled
<$true | $false>] [-TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogFilePath
<LocalLongFullPath>] [-TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxAge
<ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-UMReportingWorkCycle
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-UMReportingWorkCycleCheckpoint
<EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-WhatIf
This example throttles the Calendar Repair Assistant to detect and repair calendar inconsistencies for the Mailbox server MBX02 in a 7-day period. During that 7-day period, all mailboxes will be scanned, and at the end of the period, the process will start over.
![]() |
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MBX02 -CalendarRepairWorkCycle 7.00:00:00 -CalendarRepairWorkCycleCheckpoint 7.00:00:00 |
This example throttles the Managed Folder Assistant, which applies message retention settings to all mailboxes for the Mailbox server MBX02 in a 10-day period. During that 10-day period, all mailboxes will be scanned, and at the end of the period, the process will start over.
![]() |
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MBX02 -ManagedFolderWorkCycle 10.00:00:00 -ManagedFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint 10.00:00:00 |
This example throttles the Sharing Policy and Sharing Sync Assistants to apply sharing policies, sync shared calendars, and free/busy information for the mailboxes on server MBX02 in a 7-day period. During that 7-day period, all mailboxes will be scanned, and at the end of the period, the process will start over.
![]() |
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MBX02 -SharingPolicyWorkCycle 7.00:00:00 -SharingPolicyWorkCycleCheckpoint 7.00:00:00 -SharingSyncWorkCycle 7.00:00:00 -SharingSyncWorkCycleCheckpoint 7.00:00:00 |
Detailed Description
You need to be assigned permissions before you can run this cmdlet. Although all parameters for this cmdlet are listed in this topic, you may not have access to some parameters if they're not included in the permissions assigned to you. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mailbox Server Permissions" section in the Recipients Permissions topic.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | ||
Identity |
Required |
Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.MailboxServerIdParameter |
The Identity parameter specifies the Mailbox server. You can use the following values:
AutoDatabaseMountDial |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.AutoDatabaseMountDial |
The AutoDatabaseMountDial parameter specifies the automatic database mount behavior for a continuous replication environment after a database failover. You can use the following values:
The default value is |
CalendarRepairIntervalEndWindow |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
The CalendarRepairIntervalEndWindow parameter specifies the number of days into the future to repair calendars. For example, if this parameter is set to 90, the Calendar Repair Assistant repairs calendars on this Mailbox server 90 days from now. The default value is 30 days. |
CalendarRepairLogDirectorySizeLimit |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
The CalendarRepairLogDirectorySizeLimit parameter specifies the size limit for all log files for the Calendar Repair Assistant. After the limit is reached, the oldest files are deleted. The maximum size of the calendar repair log directory is calculated as the total size of all log files that have the same name prefix. Other files that don't follow the name prefix convention aren't counted in the total directory size calculation. Renaming old log files or copying other files into the calendar repair log directory could cause the directory to exceed its specified maximum size. Calendar repair log files for the Mailbox server role begin with the name prefix CRA. The default value is
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. |
CalendarRepairLogEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The CalendarRepairLogEnabled parameter specifies whether the Calendar Repair Attendant logs items that it repairs. The repair log doesn't contain failed repair attempts. The default value is |
CalendarRepairLogFileAgeLimit |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The CalendarRepairLogFileAgeLimit parameter specifies how long to retain calendar repair logs. Log files that exceed the maximum retention period are deleted. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, to specify a 30-day interval, enter 30.00:00:00. The default value is 00.00:00:00, which specifies that there's no limit on file retention (and not that files are overwritten immediately). |
CalendarRepairLogPath |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.LocalLongFullPath |
The CalendarRepairLogPath parameter specifies the path to the directory that stores the calendar repair log files. The default value is <Exchange installation path>v15\Logging\Calendar Repair Assistant. |
CalendarRepairLogSubjectLoggingEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The CalendarRepairLogSubjectLoggingEnabled parameter
specifies that the subject of the repaired calendar item is logged
in the calendar repair log. The default value is
CalendarRepairMissingItemFixDisabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The CalendarRepairMissingItemFixDisabled parameter
specifies that the Calendar Repair Assistant won't fix missing
attendee calendar items for mailboxes homed on this Mailbox server.
The default value is |
CalendarRepairMode |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.CalendarRepairType |
The CalendarRepairMode parameter specifies the mode that the Calendar Repair Assistant will run in. |
CalendarRepairWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The CalendarRepairWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which all mailboxes on the specified server will be scanned by the Calendar Repair Assistant. Calendars that have inconsistencies will be flagged and repaired according to the interval specified by the CalendarRepairWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. The Calendar Repair Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every 7 days. |
CalendarRepairWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The CalendarRepairWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which all mailboxes will be identified as needing work completed on them. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 1 day for this parameter, use 1.00:00:00. The Calendar Repair Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every day. |
Confirm |
Optional |
System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter |
The Confirm switch causes the command to pause processing and requires you to acknowledge what the command will do before processing continues. You don't have to specify a value with the Confirm switch. |
DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow parameter
specifies whether to prevent databases from being mounted on this
server if there are other healthy copies of the databases on other
servers. It will also immediately move any mounted databases on the
server to other servers if copies exist and are healthy. Setting
this parameter won't cause databases to move to a server that has
the DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy parameter set to
DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicyType |
The DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy parameter specifies the type of automatic activation available for mailbox database copies on the selected Mailbox servers. Values for this parameter are:
DirectoryProcessorWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
DirectoryProcessorWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
DomainController |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Fqdn |
The DomainController parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to Active Directory. |
FaultZone |
Optional |
System.String |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled parameter specifies
whether the folder log for managed folders is enabled for messages
that were moved to managed folders. The two possible values for
this parameter are |
ForceGroupMetricsGeneration |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The ForceGroupMetricsGeneration parameter specifies that group metrics information must be generated on the Mailbox server regardless of whether that server generates an offline address book (OAB). By default, group metrics are generated only on servers that generate OABs. Group metrics information is used by MailTips to inform senders about how many recipients their messages will be sent to. You need to use this parameter if your organization doesn't generate OABs and you want the group metrics data to be available. |
InferenceDataCollectionWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
InferenceDataCollectionWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
InferenceTrainingWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
InferenceTrainingWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
IsExcludedFromProvisioning |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The IsExcludedFromProvisioning parameter specifies that
the Mailbox server isn't considered by the OAB provisioning load
balancer. If the IsExcludedFromProvisioning parameter is set
to |
JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled parameter
specifies whether the log for managed folders is enabled for
journaling. The two possible values for this parameter are
Locale |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty |
The Locale parameter specifies the locale. A locale is a collection of language-related user preferences such as writing system, calendar, and date format. The following are examples:
For more information, see CultureInfo Class. |
LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
The LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter specifies the size limit for all managed folder log files from a single message database. After the limit is reached for a set of managed folder log files from a message database, the oldest files are deleted to make space for new files. The size of the managed folder log files is calculated as the total size of all log files that have the same name prefix. For example, for a file with the name Managed_Folder_Assistant[Mailbox Database 01]20061018-1.log, the prefix is Managed_Folder_Assistant[Mailbox Database 01]. If you rename log files or copy other files into the managed folder log directory, these files aren't counted in the log files size calculation. The managed folder log files for each message database have a unique name prefix. Therefore, this limit applies to the log files for each message database, and not to all the log files in the directory. If you have more than one message database, the maximum size of the managed folder log directory isn't the size specified in the LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter because the managed folder log files generated by different databases have different name prefixes. The maximum size of the managed folder log directory is X times the specified value if you have X message databases. You must specify either an integer or unlimited. The default
value is
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. |
LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders parameter specifies how long to retain managed folder logs. Log files that exceed the maximum retention period are deleted. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, to specify a 30-day interval, enter 30.00:00:00. The default value is 00.00:00:00, which specifies that there's no limit on file retention (and not that files are overwritten immediately). |
LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
The LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter specifies the maximum size for each managed folder log file. When the log file size limit is reached, a new log file is created. The default value is 10 megabytes (MB). When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of the following units:
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. |
LogPathForManagedFolders |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.LocalLongFullPath |
The LogPathForManagedFolders parameter specifies the path to the directory that stores the managed folder log files. The default value is <Exchange installation path>v15\Logging\lodctr_backups\Managed Folder Assistant. |
ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Common.ScheduleInterval[] |
The ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule parameter specifies the intervals each week during which the Managed Folder Assistant applies messaging records management (MRM) settings to managed folders. The format is StartDay.Time-EndDay.Time. You can use the following values for the start and end days:
The start time and end time must be at least 15 minutes apart. Minutes are rounded down to 0, 15, 30, or 45. If you specify more than one interval, there must be at least 15 minutes between each interval. The following are examples:
If the Managed Folder Assistant doesn't finish processing the mailboxes on the server during the time that you've scheduled, it automatically resumes processing where it left off the next time it runs. |
ManagedFolderWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The ManagedFolderWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which all mailboxes on the specified server will be processed by the Managed Folder Assistant. The Managed Folder Assistant applies retention policies according to the ManagedFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint interval. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. The Managed Folder Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every 7 days. |
ManagedFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The ManagedFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which to refresh the list of mailboxes so that new mailboxes that have been created or moved will be part of the work queue. Also, as mailboxes are prioritized, existing mailboxes that haven't been successfully processed for a long time will be placed higher in the queue and will have a greater chance of being processed again in the same work cycle. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 24 hours for this parameter, use 24:00:00. |
MAPIEncryptionRequired |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The MAPIEncryptionRequired parameter specifies whether
Exchange blocks MAPI clients that don't use encrypted remote
procedure calls (RPCs). The two possible values for this parameter
are |
MaximumActiveDatabases |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
The MaximumActiveDatabases parameter specifies the number of databases that can be mounted on this Mailbox server. This parameter accepts numeric values. When the maximum number is reached, the database copies on the server won't be activated if a failover or switchover occurs. If the copies are already active on a server, the server won't allow databases to be mounted. |
MaxTransportSyncDispatchers |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MigrationLogFilePath |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.LocalLongFullPath |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MigrationLogLoggingLevel |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MigrationEventType |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MigrationLogMaxAge |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MigrationLogMaxDirectorySize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MigrationLogMaxFileSize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
OABGeneratorWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The OABGeneratorWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which the OAB generation on the specified server will be processed. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. |
OABGeneratorWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The OABGeneratorWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which to run OAB generation. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 24 hours for this parameter, use 24:00:00. |
PeopleRelevanceWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
PeopleRelevanceWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
PublicFolderWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The PublicFolderWorkCycle parameter is used by the public folder assistant to determine how often the mailboxes in a database are processed by the assistant. |
PublicFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The PublicFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint determines how often the mailbox list for a database is evaluated. The processing speed is also calculated. |
RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled parameter
specifies whether the Managed Folder Assistant logs information
about messages that have reached their retention limits. The two
possible values for this parameter are |
SharingPolicySchedule |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Common.ScheduleInterval[] |
The SharingPolicySchedule parameter specifies the intervals each week during which the sharing policy runs. The Sharing Policy Assistant checks permissions on shared calendar items and contact folders in users' mailboxes against the assigned sharing policy. The assistant lowers or removes permissions according to the policy. The format is StartDay.Time-EndDay.Time. You can use the following values for the start and end days:
The start time and end time must be at least 15 minutes apart. Minutes are rounded down to 0, 15, 30, or 45. If you specify more than one interval, there must be at least 15 minutes between each interval. The following are examples:
SharingPolicyWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The SharingPolicyWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which all mailboxes on the specified server will be scanned by the Sharing Policy Assistant. The Sharing Policy Assistant scans all mailboxes and enables or disables sharing polices according to the interval specified by the SharingPolicyWorkCycle. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. The Sharing Policy Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every 7 days. |
SharingPolicyWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The SharingPolicyWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which to refresh the list of mailboxes so that new mailboxes that have been created or moved will be part of the work queue. Also, as mailboxes are prioritized, existing mailboxes that haven't been successfully processed for a long time will be placed higher in the queue and will have a greater chance of being processed again in the same work cycle. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 1 day for this parameter, use 1.00:00:00. The Sharing Policy Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every day. |
SharingSyncWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The SharingSyncWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which all mailboxes on the specified server will be synced to the cloud-based service by the Sharing Sync Assistant. Mailboxes that require syncing will be synced according to the interval specified by the SharingSyncWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. The Sharing Sync Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every 7 days. |
SharingSyncWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The SharingSyncWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which to refresh the list of mailboxes so that new mailboxes that have been created or moved will be part of the work queue. Also, as mailboxes are prioritized, existing mailboxes that haven't been successfully processed for a long time will be placed higher in the queue and will have a greater chance of being processed again in the same work cycle. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 1 day for this parameter, use 1.00:00:00. The Sharing Sync Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every day. |
SiteMailboxWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The SiteMailboxWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which the site mailbox information on the specified server will be processed. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. |
SiteMailboxWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The SiteMailboxWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which to refresh the site mailbox workcycle. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 24 hours for this parameter, use 24:00:00. |
SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
The SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled parameter
specifies whether the subject of messages is displayed in managed
folder logs. The two possible values for this parameter are
SubmissionServerOverrideList |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TopNWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The TopNWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which all mailboxes that have Unified Messaging on the specified server will be scanned by the TopN Words Assistant. The TopN Words Assistant scans voice mail for the most frequently used words to aid in transcription. The most common words are then indexed according to the interval specified by the TopNWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. The TopN Words Assistant will process all mailboxes on which Unified Messaging is enabled on this server every 7 days. |
TopNWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The TopNWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which to refresh the list of mailboxes so that new mailboxes that have been created or moved will be part of the work queue. Also, as mailboxes are prioritized, existing mailboxes that haven't been successfully processed for a long time will be placed higher in the queue and will have a greater chance of being processed again in the same work cycle. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 1 day for this parameter, use 1.00:00:00. The TopN Words Assistant will process all mailboxes on this server every day. |
TransportSyncDispatchEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncLogEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncLogFilePath |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.LocalLongFullPath |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncLogLoggingLevel |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SyncLoggingLevel |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncLogMaxAge |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncLogMaxDirectorySize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncLogMaxFileSize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogFilePath |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.LocalLongFullPath |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxAge |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxDirectorySize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxFileSize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
UMReportingWorkCycle |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The UMReportingWorkCycle parameter specifies the time span in which the arbitration mailbox named SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9} on the specified server will be scanned by the Unified Messaging Reporting Assistant. The Unified Messaging Reporting Assistant updates the Call Statistics reports by reading Unified Messaging call data records for an organization on a regular basis. By default, it's scheduled to run once every 24 hours. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 7 days for this parameter, use 07.00:00:00. The Unified Messaging Reporting Assistant will process all mailboxes that have Unified Messaging enabled on this server every 7 days.
UMReportingWorkCycleCheckpoint |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The UMReportingWorkCycleCheckpoint parameter specifies the time span at which the arbitration mailbox named SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9} will be marked by processing. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, if you specify 1 day for this parameter, use 1.00:00:00. |
WhatIf |
Optional |
System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter |
The WhatIf switch instructs the command to simulate the actions that it would take on the object. By using the WhatIf switch, you can view what changes would occur without having to apply any of those changes. You don't have to specify a value with the WhatIf switch. |
Input Types
To see the input types that this cmdlet accepts, see Cmdlet Input and Output Types. If the Input Type field for a cmdlet is blank, the cmdlet doesn’t accept input data.
Return Types
To see the return types, which are also known as output types, that this cmdlet accepts, see Cmdlet Input and Output Types. If the Output Type field is blank, the cmdlet doesn’t return data.