Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Online

Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-11

Shared mailboxes make it easy for a specific group of people to monitor and send email from a common account, such as or When a person in the group replies to a message sent to the shared mailbox, the email appears to be sent from the shared mailbox, not from the individual user.

You can configure the shared mailbox with the following delegate permissions:

To learn more about shared mailboxes, see Shared Mailboxes.

What do you need to know before you begin?

  • Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes.

  • You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "User mailboxes" entry in the Recipients Permissions topic.

  • For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic, see Keyboard Shortcuts in the Exchange Admin Center.

Having problems? Ask for help in the Exchange forums. Visit the forums at: Exchange Server, Exchange Online, or Exchange Online Protection

What do you want to do?

Use the EAC to create a shared mailbox

  1. Navigate to Recipients > Shared, and then click Add Add Icon.

  2. Complete the following required fields:

    • Display name

    • Email address

  3. To grant Full Access or Send As permissions, click Add Add Icon, and then select the users you want to grant permissions for.

    You can use the CTRL key to select multiple users.
  4. Click Save to save your changes and create the shared mailbox.

Use the Shell to create a shared mailbox

This example creates the shared mailbox Sales Department and grants Full Access and Send on Behalf permissions for the security group MarketingSG. Users who are members of the security group will be granted the permissions to the mailbox.

Copy Code
New-Mailbox -Shared -Name "Sales Department" -DisplayName "Sales Department" -Alias Sales | Set-Mailbox -GrantSendOnBehalfTo MarketingSG | Add-MailboxPermission -User MarketingSG -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see New-Mailbox.