Applies to: Exchange Server 2013
Topic Last Modified: 2012-06-05
The content in this topic hasn't been updated for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013. While it hasn't been updated yet, it may still be applicable to Exchange 2013. If you still need help, check out the community resources below.
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Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 setup cannot continue because its attempt to install the Mailbox Server or Client Access role found that the World Wide Web Publishing Service is either disabled or not installed on this computer.
Exchange 2007 setup requires the computer that you are installing Microsoft Exchange to have the World Wide Web Publishing Service installed and set to something other than disabled.
To resolve this issue, verify that the World Wide Web Publishing service is installed and not disabled on the local computer, and then rerun Microsoft Exchange setup.
To verify that the World Wide Web Publishing Service is installed and not disabled-
Right-click My Computer on the desktop, and then click Manage.
Expand the Services and Applications node, and then click the Services node.
In the right pane, locate the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
If the World Wide Web Publishing Service is not displayed in the list of services installed, follow the steps in the procedure below to install it.
If the World Wide Web Publishing Service is displayed but has a status other than Started, continue with the steps below to start it.
Right-click World Wide Web Publishing Service, and then click Properties.
Verify the Startup Type is Automatic and the Service status is set to Started.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
On the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs
Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
In the Components list, select the Application Server check box, and then click Details.
Select Internet Information Services Manager, and then click Details.
Select World Wide Web Service, and then select the check box.
Click OK two times to return to the Components list, and then click Next.
Click Finish when the IIS service is installed.