Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007
Topic Last Modified: 2008-10-31

This article describes characters that you cannot use in object names in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. 

When you create names for components or objects in Exchange 2007, the name cannot contain any of the unsupported characters. Also, if you try to import or connect to objects whose names contain characters that are not supported, you may receive an error message, or unexpected behavior may occur.

Table of Characters That Are Not Supported for Object Names

Exchange object Exchange scenario or component Unsupported characters Character limit

Organization name, site name

Running the Setup program or moving mailboxes

~ tilde

` grave accent

! exclamation point

@ at sign

# number sign

$ dollar sign

% percent

^ caret

& ampersand

* asterisk

() parentheses

_ underscore

+ plus sign

= equal sign

{} braces

[] brackets

| vertical bar

\ backslash

: colon

; semicolon

" quotation mark

' apostrophe

<> angle brackets

, comma

. period

? question mark

/ slash


Administrative group name

Running the Setup program

~ tilde

` grave accent

! exclamation point

@ at sign

# number sign

$ dollar sign

% percent

^ caret

& ampersand

* asterisk

() parentheses

_ underscore

+ plus sign

= equal sign

{} braces

[] brackets

| vertical bar

\ backslash

: colon

; semicolon

" quotation mark

' apostrophe

<> angle brackets

, comma

. period

? question mark

/ slash


Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 computer name

Connection agreement or mail flow

. period


E-mail domain field

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connector

~ tilde

` grave accent

! exclamation point

@ at sign

# number sign

$ dollar sign

% percent

^ caret

& ampersand

* asterisk

() parentheses

+ plus sign

= equal sign

{} braces

[] brackets

| vertical bar

\ backslash

: colon

; semicolon

" quotation mark

<> angle brackets

, comma

. period

? question mark

/ slash


Domain Name System (DNS) namespace

Running the Setup program

_ underscore


Smart host name


Leading spaces or trailing spaces


Recipient policy SMTP address

Viewing public folder hierarchy

~ tilde

` grave accent

! exclamation point

@ at sign

# number sign

$ dollar sign

% percent

^ caret

& ampersand

* asterisk

() parentheses

+ plus sign

= equal sign

{} braces

[] brackets

| vertical bar

\ backslash

: colon

; semicolon

" quotation mark

<> angle brackets

, comma

. period

? question mark

/ slash


Recipient policy SMTP address host name

Mail flow

.. two periods


Host name of connector address space

Mail flow

.. two periods


Recipient name


' apostrophe

" quotation mark


Exchange server host name


_ underscore


Organization internal directory name


~ tilde

` grave accent

! exclamation point

@ at sign

# number sign

$ dollar sign

% percent

^ caret

& ampersand

* asterisk

() parentheses

_ underscore

+ plus sign

= equal sign

{} braces

[] brackets

| vertical bar

\ backslash

: colon

; semicolon

" quotation mark

' apostrophe

<> angle brackets

, comma

. period

? question mark

/ slash


Site internal directory name

Viewing the public folder hierarchy

? question mark

() parentheses

* asterisk


Mailbox name

Running the Setup program

/ slash


Public folder tree name

Viewing and creating the public folder

: colon

; semicolon