Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server
2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1
Topic Last Modified: 2007-06-06
Use the Log Settings tab on the Hub Transport properties to enable or disable message tracking, enable or disable connectivity logging, and to view or change the path for the message tracking logs, connectivity logs, Send connector protocol logs, and Receive connector protocol logs.
- Message tracking log
- Enable message tracking log By default,
message tracking is enabled on Hub Transport servers and Edge
Transport servers. To disable message tracking, clear the check box
next to Enable message tracking log. To enable message
tracking, select the check box next to Enable message tracking
- Message tracking log path This field
displays the current location of the message tracking logs. To
change the location of the message tracking logs, message tracking
must be enabled. Click Browse next to Message tracking
log path. In the Browse for folder window, browse to the
new location where you want to store the message tracking log
files. If you want to create a new folder, select a parent folder,
click Make New Folder, and then type the name of the new
folder. After you make your folder selection, click OK to
close the Browse for folder window.
- Enable message tracking log By default,
message tracking is enabled on Hub Transport servers and Edge
Transport servers. To disable message tracking, clear the check box
next to Enable message tracking log. To enable message
tracking, select the check box next to Enable message tracking
- Connectivity log
- Enable connectivity log By default,
connectivity logging is disabled on Hub Transport servers and Edge
Transport servers. To enable connectivity logging, select the check
box next to Enable connectivity log. To disable connectivity
logging, clear the check box next to Enable connectivity
- Connectivity log path This field
displays the current location of the connectivity logs. By default,
the connectivity logs are stored at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Logs\Connectivity.
To change the location of the connectivity logs, connectivity
logging must be enabled. Click Browse next to
Connectivity log path. In the Browse for folder
window, browse to the new location where you want to store the
connectivity log files. If you want to create a new folder, select
a parent folder, click Make New Folder, and then type the
name of the new folder. After you make your folder selection, click
OK to close the Browse for folder window.
- Enable connectivity log By default,
connectivity logging is disabled on Hub Transport servers and Edge
Transport servers. To enable connectivity logging, select the check
box next to Enable connectivity log. To disable connectivity
logging, clear the check box next to Enable connectivity
- Protocol log
- Send connector protocol log path This
field displays the current location of the Send connector protocol
logs. All the Send connectors that are configured on the Hub
Transport server or Edge Transport server share the same protocol
logs. By default, protocol logging is disabled on all Send
connectors. You can enable or disable protocol logging on each Send
connector by using the Set-SendConnector cmdlet in the
Microsoft Exchange Management Shell. Or you can change the
properties of the Send connector in the Exchange Management
To change the location of the Send connector protocol logs, click Browse next to Send connector protocol log path. In the Browse for folder window, browse to the new location where you want to store the Send connector protocol log files. If you want to create a new folder, select a parent folder, click Make New Folder, and then type the name of the new folder. After you make your folder selection, click OK to close the Browse for folder window.
- Receive connector protocol log
path This field displays the current location
of the Receive connector protocol logs. All the Receive connectors
that are configured on the Hub Transport server or Edge Transport
server share the same protocol logs. By default, protocol logging
is disabled on all Receive connectors. You can enable or disable
protocol logging on each Receive connector by using the
Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet in the Exchange Management
Shell. Or you change the properties of the Receive connector in the
Exchange Management Console.
To change the location of the Receive connector protocol logs, click Browse next to Receive connector protocol log path. In the Browse for folder window, browse to the new location where you want to store the Receive connector protocol log files. If you want to create a new folder, select a parent folder, click Make New Folder, and then type the name of the new folder. After you make your folder selection, click OK to close the Browse for folder window.
- Send connector protocol log path This
field displays the current location of the Send connector protocol
logs. All the Send connectors that are configured on the Hub
Transport server or Edge Transport server share the same protocol
logs. By default, protocol logging is disabled on all Send
connectors. You can enable or disable protocol logging on each Send
connector by using the Set-SendConnector cmdlet in the
Microsoft Exchange Management Shell. Or you can change the
properties of the Send connector in the Exchange Management
When you change the location of the message tracking log directory, the connectivity log directory, the Send connector protocol log directory, or the Receive connector protocol directory, this change does not copy any existing log files from the old directory to the new directory. The new log directory is active almost immediately after the configuration change, but any existing log files are left in the old directory.
The following permissions are required on the log directory:
- Administrator: Full Control
- System: Full Control
- Network Service: Read, Write, and Delete Subfolders and
By default, the Microsoft Exchange Transport service uses the security credentials of the Network Service user account to create the log directory and to apply the correct permissions.
The new message tracking log directory is created if the following conditions are true:
- The new log directory does not already exist.
- The Network Service account has the rights that are required to
create folders and apply permissions at the new location.
In this case, the correct permissions are applied to the new directory. However, if the log directory already exists, the existing folder permissions are not checked. When you move the log directory, it is always a good idea to verify the log directory and to make sure that the new directory has the correct permissions applied to it.
For More Information
For more information, see the following topics: