Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-30

This topic provides information about how to troubleshoot the Microsoft Exchange Transport service if it fails to start on a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Hub Transport server with Event ID 1032 or 1036.

If this error occurs, event log errors are generated with the following information:

Event ID: 1032

Event Source: MSExchange TransportService

Event Type: Error

Description: Socket Access Denied. Binding:

Event ID: 1036

Event Source: MSExchange TransportService

Event Type: Error

Description: Failed to open one or more bindings. The service will be stopped.

This issue occurs when the Internet Information Services (IIS) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service has been installed on the server and is running.


To resolve the problem, remove the SMTP service.

Before You Begin

To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:

  • Membership in the local Administrators group

For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange 2007, see Permission Considerations.


To remove the SMTP service

  1. On the Exchange 2007 Hub Transport server, open Control Panel and click Add or Remove Programs.

  2. Click Add\Remove Windows Components.

  3. Select Application Server, and then select Internet Information Services (IIS).

  4. Clear the SMTP Service option.

  5. Click OK to accept changes and close Control Panel.

  6. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service.

On Exchange 2007 servers, the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) service and the SMTP service are no longer required.