Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server
2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1
Topic Last Modified: 2007-10-31
This topic describes how to use the Failover Cluster Management tool or Cluster.exe to configure and verify that physical disk resources are properly configured as dependencies for Microsoft Exchange Database Instance resources for a clustered mailbox server (CMS) a single copy cluster (SCC) running on Windows Server 2008. For detailed steps to view and configure the appropriate physical disk resource dependencies in a single copy cluster that is running on Windows Server 2003, see How to Configure Disk Dependencies for a Single Copy Cluster on Windows Server 2003.
This procedure should be performed after a CMS has been installed in the failover cluster, but before the CMS is put into production.
These procedures should be performed when building the cluster, or when disk resources, storage groups, or database resources in the cluster are added, removed, or changed. After performing this procedure, we also recommend verifying handoff of the CMS to a passive node in the cluster as a way to verify the updated configuration settings on a different node in the cluster.
Before You Begin
To perform the following procedures, the cluster must be operational.
To perform the following procedures, the account you use must be delegated membership in the local Administrators group on each node in the cluster. For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
To use Cluster.exe to configure physical disk resource dependencies
Open a Command Prompt window and run the following command:
Copy Code Cluster <ClusterName> res <DatabaseResourceName> /AddDep:<DiskResourceName>
For example, to make a disk resource named Cluster Disk 2 a dependency for a Microsoft Exchange Database Instance resource named First Storage Group/Mailbox Database (EXCLUSTER) in a failover cluster named SCCMBX1, run the following command:
Copy Code Cluster SCCMBX1 res "First Storage Group/Mailbox Database (EXCLUSTER)" /AddDep:"Cluster Disk 2"
Repeat the above command for each Microsoft Exchange Database Instance resource and its corresponding disk resource.
After the physical disk resource dependencies have been properly configured, the physical disk resource policies must be configured so that a failure of a disk resource does not cause failover of the CMS to another node. This policy can be configured by running the following command for each disk resource in the CMS group:
Copy Code Cluster <ClusterName> res <DiskResourceName> /prop RestartAction=1
To use the Failover Cluster Management tool to configure physical disk resource failure settings
Open the Failover Cluster Management tool.
Expand the cluster node, and then expand Services and Applications. Select the resource group containing the CMS.
In the result pane, under Disk Drives, verify that each disk policy is configured to not fail over all resources in the group if the disk resource fails. To do this:
- Right-click a disk and select Properties.
- Select the Policies tab.
- In the Response to resource failure area, verify that
If resource fails, attempt restart on current node is
selected. Leave the settings for Period for restarts (mm:ss)
and Maximum restarts in the specified period set to the
default values of 15:00 and 1, respectively.
- Verify that the following check box is clear: If restart is
unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or
application, and click OK to save the changes.
- Repeat steps 3a–3d for each disk resource in the clustered
mailbox server resource group.
- Right-click a disk and select Properties.
To use the Failover Cluster Management tool to configure physical disk resource dependencies
Open the Failover Cluster Management tool.
Expand the cluster node, and then expand Services and Applications. Select the resource group containing the CMS.
In the result pane, under Other Resources, each storage group and database resource must have the appropriate disk dependencies configured. To do this:
- Right-click the appropriate database resource and select
- Select the Dependencies tab.
- The database resource should already have an Exchange
Information Store Instance resource as a dependency. Click
Insert to add a disk resource as a dependency.
- In the drop-down box, select the appropriate disk resource. If
there are multiple disk resources (for example, one disk resource
for the database and one disk resource for the log files), click
Insert again and select the appropriate disk from the
drop-down box.
- After all disk dependencies have been configured for this
database resource, click OK to save the changes.
- Repeat steps 3a–3e for each additional database resource that
exists on the CMS.
- Right-click the appropriate database resource and select