Applies to: Exchange Server 2007
Topic Last Modified: 2007-06-15
Use the Recipient Filtering feature to enable or disable the Recipient Filter agent and to access the properties pages for the Recipient Filter agent.
The Recipient Filter agent blocks messages according to the characteristics of the intended recipient in the organization. The Recipient Filter agent is an anti-spam agent that is enabled on computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed. The Recipient Filter agent relies on the RCPT TO: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) header to determine what action, if any, to take on an inbound message.
- Enable or Disable
To enable or disable the Recipient Filter agent, in the action pane, click Enable or Disable as appropriate.
- Properties
To view the current recipient filtering configuration and to add, edit, or remove blocked recipients and domains, in the action pane, click Properties.
- Use the General tab to view display-only information
about recipient filtering, including whether the Recipient Filter
agent is enabled.
- Use the Blocked Recipients tab to add, edit, or remove
blocked recipients and domains.
- Use the General tab to view display-only information
about recipient filtering, including whether the Recipient Filter
agent is enabled.
For More Information
For information about recipient filtering, see the following topics: