Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007
Topic Last Modified: 2006-08-30

This topic explains how to use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to view the anti-spam stamps that have been applied to an e-mail message. Anti-spam stamps are functionality in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 that helps the messaging administrator diagnose spam-related problems by applying diagnostic metadata, or "stamps," such as sender-specific information, puzzle validation results, and content filtering results, to messages as the messages pass through the anti-spam features that filter inbound messages from the Internet.

Before You Begin

To perform the following procedure on a client computer that has Outlook 2007 installed, you must have owner rights to the mailbox from which you view the anti-spam stamp.

Also, before you perform these procedures, confirm the following:


To use Outlook 2007 to view anti-spam stamps

  1. In Outlook 2007 on a client computer, in the Mail view, double-click a message to open it.

  2. On the Message tab, in Options group, click Message Options.

  3. In the Message Options dialog box, in the Internet headers section, use the scroll bar to view the anti-spam stamps as shown in the following figure.

    Viewing the anti-spam stamps in Outlook 2007
    Anti-spam stamps

For More Information

For more information, see Anti-Spam Stamps.