Applies to: Exchange Server 2007
Topic Last Modified: 2007-11-15

Use the General tab to view the properties of the Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access default Web site and to specify an external URL. Only the External URL can be modified.


(Read-only.) Server displays the name of the server that hosts the Outlook Web Access virtual directory.

Web site

(Read-only.) Web site displays the name of the Web site.


(Read-only.) Version displays the version of Microsoft Exchange that the virtual directory supports.


(Read-only.) Modified displays the last date and time that the virtual directory was modified.

Internal URL

Use this text box to specify the URL that is used to access this Web site from an internal network. An internal URL is configured automatically during Exchange 2007 Setup. The default internal URL setting for an Internet-facing or non-Internet-facing Client Access server is https://<Computer Name>/owa.

Although this field appears to be configurable when you are viewing the properties of Exchange 2007 and legacy virtual directories, you can configure this option only on Exchange 2007 virtual directories. The default Exchange 2007 virtual directory is /owa.
External URL

Use this text box to specify the URL that is used to access the Web site from the Internet. By default, External URL is blank. For Internet-facing Client Access servers, External URL should be set to the value published in DNS for that Active Directory site. For Client Access servers that do not have an Internet presence, the External URL setting should remain blank.

Although this field appears to be configurable when you are viewing the properties of Exchange 2007 and legacy virtual directories, you can configure this option only on Exchange 2007 virtual directories. The default Exchange 2007 virtual directory is /owa.

For More Information

For more information about the virtual directories that you can view and manage on computers that are running Exchange 2007, see Managing Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories in Exchange 2007.

For information about proxying and redirection, see Understanding Proxying and Redirection.

For information about how to modify properties of virtual directories, see How to Modify Properties on an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory.

For information about how to manage Outlook Web Access URLs, see Managing Outlook Web Access URLs.