Applies to: Exchange Server 2007
Topic Last Modified: 2007-06-15

Use the Exceptions tab on the content filtering properties to specify up to 100 recipients in your organization for which messages should not be checked by the Content Filter agent. For example, if you have a customer support e-mail alias, you may want to accept all inbound e-mail messages for that address.

Do not filter content in messages addressed to the following recipients

In this field, type the full Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of recipients in your organization, as follows, for example,


To add the SMTP address in the Do not filter… text box to the recipient list, click Add.


To change a recipient's SMTP address, select the recipient's SMTP address from the recipient list, and then click Edit.


To delete a recipient's SMTP address from the recipient list, select a recipient name from the recipient list, and then click Remove icon.


To save your changes without closing the dialog box, click Apply.

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