Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server
2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007
Topic Last Modified: 2007-07-30
This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell to modify the properties of an Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) mailbox policy. When you modify a UM mailbox policy, you can change such settings as PIN policies, message text settings, and dialing restrictions for a single UM-enabled recipient or multiple UM-enabled recipients. UM mailbox policies can be configured to increase the level of security for UM-enabled users.
Before You Begin
To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the Exchange Organization Administrator role.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
Also, before you perform these procedures, confirm the following:
- A UM dial plan has been created.
- A UM mailbox policy has been created.
To use the Exchange Management
Console to modify the properties of a UM mailbox policy
In the console tree of the Exchange Management Console, expand the Organization Configuration node.
In the result pane, click Unified Messaging.
In the work pane, click the UM Mailbox Policies tab.
In the work pane, click the UM Mailbox policy that you want to change.
In the action pane, click Properties.
In the UM mailbox policy properties window, configure the settings for the UM mailbox policy, and then click OK to accept your changes.
To use the Exchange Management
Shell to modify the properties of a UM mailbox policy
Run the following command:
Copy Code
Set-UMMailboxPolicy -Identity MyUMMailboxPolicy -MaxGreetingDuration 2 -FaxMessageText Exchange 2007 Fax Message -UMEnabledText You are now UM-enabled. -ResetPINText Your PIN was reset. -VoiceMailText Exchange 2007 Voice Mail -MinPasswordLength 8 -PINLifetime 30 -LogonFailuresBeforePINReset 3 -MaxLogonAttempts 7 -PINHistoryCount 10
For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-UMMailboxPolicy.
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It is a security best practice to implement strong PIN requirements for Unified Messaging users. This can be enforced by creating Unified Messaging PIN policies that require six or more digits for PINs and increases level of security for your network. You can also increase the level of security of your network by reducing the number of failed logon attempts for UM-enabled users. Unified Messaging will generate warning events that can be viewed by using Event Viewer if PIN authentication fails for a UM-enabled user or if the user is unsuccessful in attempting to log on to the system. |
For More Information
- For more information about how to install the Unified Messaging
server role, see How to Perform a Custom
Installation Using Exchange Server 2007 Setup.
- For more information about how to create a new UM mailbox
policy, see How
to Create a New Unified Messaging Mailbox Policy.
- For more information about Unified Messaging mailbox policies,
see Understanding Unified
Messaging Mailbox Policies.