The Headerclass defines a SIP header.. A Headerinstance may belong to multiple HeaderCollectioninstances.

The Headerclass is derived from the System.Objectclass.

The Headertype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method Header () () () () The Headerconstructor initializes a new instance of the Headerclass without a specified type or value.
Public method Header(String) Creates a new header object with a specified header type.
Public method Header(Header . . :: . . StandardHeaderType) Creates a new header object with a specified standard header type.
Public method Header(String, String) The Headerconstructor creates a new instance of the Headerclass of the specified SIP header type, with the specified value.
Public method Header(Header . . :: . . StandardHeaderType, String) Creates a new header object with a specified standard header type and value.


  Name Description
Public property IsReadOnly The IsReadOnlyproperty indicates whether the SIP header is read-only.
Public property Parameters The Parametersproperty contains the parameters for the SIP header as a collection of name/value pairs.
Public property StandardType Efficient representation of common SIP header types.
Public property Type The Typeproperty contains the SIP header type as a string.
Public property Value The Valueproperty contains the SIP header value as a string.
Public property ValueNoParameters The ValueNoParametersproperty contains the SIP header value as a string, minus any attached parameters.


  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetParameters Protected method that is used to retrieve header parameters. Derived classes can override this method, for example, to synthesize parameters from an internal representation.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetValue Protected method that is used to retrieve the header value. Derived classes can override this method, for example, to synthesize the value from an internal representation.
Protected method GetValueNoParameters Protected method that is used to retrieve the header value without parameters. Derived classes can override this method, for example, to synthesize the value from an internal representation.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ParseHeaderValue Protected helper method that parses a string into a header value and parameters.
Protected method SetMarshaled Updates state to Marshaled.(Overrides ReplicatedObjectSetMarshaled () () () () .)
Protected method SetParameters Protected method that is used to set header parameters. Derived classes can override this method, for example, to parse parameters into an internal representation.
Protected method SetValue Protected method that is used to set the header value. A derived class can override this method, for example, to parse the value into an internal representation.
Protected method SetValueNoParameters Protected method that is used to set the header value without parameters. A derived class can override this method, for example, to parse the value into an internal representation.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Protected field parameters Private storage of header parameters. Derived classes may either use this field for their storage, or provide their own. This field is used by this class's implementation of the GetParameters () () () () and SetParameters(NameValueCollection) method.
Protected field value Private storage of the header value. Derived classes may either use this field for their storage, or provide their own. This field is used by this class's implementation of GetValue () () () () and SetValue(String) .
Protected field valueNoParameters Index into header of end of the value portion, excluding parameters. Classes may either use this field for their storage, or provide their own. This field is used by this class's implementation of GetValueNoParameters () () () () and SetValueNoParameters(String) .

See also